Below is a listing of everyone that played the lotto this year and how many times they entered. Every time you played "Watto's Lotto '03" is an entry in the raffle.
Please check your tally, to make sure it is correct. If there are any discrepencies, you must PM or email me before Tuesday January 11. At that time each entry will be issued a virtual raffle ticket, and the drawing will be held on January 12. You don't need to reply to this post to enter.
One winner wins it all. The winner will have one week to claim their prize, if the prize is not claimed, another winner will be selected until the prize is claimed.
Here is the raffle prize:
#44 Yoda (Army Of The Republic)
#45 Obi-Wan Kenobi (General Of The Republic Army)
#46 Durge (Commander Of The Seperatist Forces)
#47 Asajj Ventress (Sith Apprentice)
#48 Mace Windu (General Of The Republic Army)
#49 Kit Fisto
#50 Clone Trooper
#51 Saesee Tinn
Good luck!!