"Watto's Lotto '04" raffle

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Staff member
Below is a listing of everyone that played the lotto this round and how many times they entered. Every time you played "Watto's Lotto '04" is an entry in the raffle.

Please check your tally, to make sure it is correct. If there are any discrepencies, you must PM me before Saturday July 16. At that time each entry will be issued a virtual raffle ticket, and the drawing will be held on July 17. You don't need to reply to this post to enter.

One winner wins it all. The winner will have one week to claim their prize, if the prize is not claimed, another winner will be selected until the prize is claimed.

Here is the raffle prize:
#13 Dutch Vander (Battle of Yavin)
#14 Tie Fighter Pilot (Battle of Yavin)
#15 Captain Antilles ( Tantive IV Invasion Fans’ Choice #5)
#16 Admiral Ozzel (Executor Assault)
#17 Dengar (Executor Meeting)
#18 Bossk (Executor Meeting)
#19 General Han Solo (Endor Strike)
#20 General Lando Calrissian (Death Star Attack)
#21 General Madine (Imperial Shuttle Capture)

Good luck!!!


Staff member
bedlam412 = 16
week 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

Black Robot = 1
week 16.

Carl Waterworth = 11
week 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16.

Cb2K = 1
week 15.

chilaquil66 = 15
week 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16.

ChuckCaves = 1
week 9.

cplfreezer = 13
week 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15.

darkside449 = 16
week 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

Darth Boru = 10
week 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

Darth Dug = 12
week 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

darthskelington = 16
week 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

darthzohner = 15
week 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

DJCB = 1
week 11.

geekorama = 1
week 9.

IG-PPO = 2
week 10, 11.

Jaguar = 15
week 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

JediBeagle = 10
week 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 16.

Jedi Daniel = 16
week 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

week 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

Jedi Freezeman = 15
week 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

Jedi_Joel = 14
week 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16.

jedimaster9999 = 5
week 9, 11, 12, 13, 14.

JediSearch = 4
week 11, 12, 13, 14.

jfrog2002 = 16
week 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

jjislas = 9
week 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16.

mreynolds = 1
week 14.

mynock11 = 15
week 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.

nack5811 = 16
week 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

Obi-Dad = 1
week 16.

obre = 13
week 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16.

orbles = 9
week 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.

rogueace2000 = 16
week 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

schmuck man = 16
week 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

srgambuti = 4
week 1, 2, 3, 5.

starfox27 = 15
week 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

starwax137 = 12
week 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

sw_freeek = 14
week 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

tatooine_clone7 = 1
week 4.

Thork = 1
week 13.

walking_carpet = 2
week 5, 6.

xwing25 = 16
week 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

Yoda Man = 16
week 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

Zepp = 4
week 2, 3, 5, 9.


Staff member
001 schmuck man
002 Jedi Freezeman
003 obre
004 Jedi Daniel
005 mynock11
006 schmuck man
007 xwing25
008 rogueace2000
009 schmuck man
011 jjislas
012 mynock11
013 jjislas
014 cplfreezer
015 JediBeagle
016 starfox27
017 jfrog2002
018 obre
019 xwing25
020 darthzohner
021 Jaguar
022 mynock11
023 starfox27
024 xwing25
025 obre
026 nack5811
027 sw_freeek
028 sw_freeek
029 Thork
030 cplfreezer
031 xwing25
032 starfox27
033 orbles
034 starfox27
035 schmuck man
036 IG-PPO
037 Jedi Freezeman
038 jedimaster10000
039 jfrog2002
040 Yoda Man
041 cplfreezer
042 Jedi Daniel
043 JediBeagle
044 jfrog2002
045 jjislas
046 jjislas
047 mynock11
048 Darth Boru
049 Jaguar
050 Jedi_Joel
051 Jedi Freezeman
052 schmuck man
053 xwing25
054 Jedi Freezeman
055 JediSearch
056 JediSearch
057 obre
058 Darth Dug
059 darthzohner
060 jfrog2002
061 jedimaster10003
062 cplfreezer
063 mynock11
064 bedlam412
066 chilaquil66
067 jjislas
068 Yoda Man
069 chilaquil66
070 Jaguar
071 Darth Boru
072 xwing25
073 bedlam412
074 Jedi Freezeman
075 JediSearch
076 darkside449
077 chilaquil66
078 Carl Waterworth
079 nack5811
080 JediBeagle
081 JediBeagle
082 Jedi Freezeman
083 darkside449
084 Jedi Freezeman
085 rogueace2000
086 rogueace2000
087 geekorama
088 darkside449
089 Jaguar
090 jfrog2002
091 Darth Dug
092 obre
093 mynock11
094 darthskelington
095 schmuck man
096 ChuckCaves
097 JediBeagle
098 starwax137
099 darkside449
101 starwax137
102 Jaguar
103 Jedi Daniel
104 xwing25
105 bedlam412
106 cplfreezer
107 jfrog2002
108 darthzohner
109 obre
110 Yoda Man
111 nack5811
112 sw_freeek
113 nack5811
114 starfox27
118 walking_carpet
119 darthskelington
120 orbles
121 darkside449
123 jfrog2002
124 srgambuti
125 orbles
127 bedlam412
128 Yoda Man
129 darthzohner
130 darkside449
131 Jedi Daniel
132 sw_freeek
133 Darth Boru
134 darkside449
135 schmuck man
136 Jedi Daniel
137 darthzohner
138 mynock11
139 darkside449
140 Darth Dug
141 obre
142 darkside449
143 jfrog2002
144 Jedi Daniel
145 starfox27
146 sw_freeek
147 jjislas
148 sw_freeek
149 Jedi Daniel
150 Jedi Freezeman
151 chilaquil66
152 Jedi_Joel
153 cplfreezer
154 bedlam412
155 Jaguar
156 chilaquil66
157 Jedi Daniel
158 jfrog2002
159 obre
160 srgambuti
161 rogueace2000
162 starwax137
163 cplfreezer
164 chilaquil66
165 Darth Boru
166 Yoda Man
167 Jaguar
168 darkside449
169 jjislas
170 darkside449
171 srgambuti
172 starwax137
173 Darth Dug
174 darthzohner
175 Jedi_Joel
176 schmuck man
177 mynock11
178 starfox27
179 cplfreezer
180 obre
181 cplfreezer
182 rogueace2000
183 cplfreezer
184 Darth Dug
185 Darth Dug
186 darthskelington
187 Zepp
188 starfox27
189 Jaguar
190 sw_freeek
191 Darth Boru
192 Carl Waterworth
193 Jedi Freezeman
194 Yoda Man
195 obre
196 chilaquil66
197 darthzohner
198 obre
199 Jaguar
200 starfox27
201 Darth Dug
202 Jedi Freezeman
203 orbles
204 darthzohner
205 sw_freeek
206 Jedi Daniel
207 Yoda Man
208 mynock11
209 sw_freeek
210 chilaquil66
212 Carl Waterworth
213 nack5811
214 Jedi_Joel
215 Zepp
216 mynock11
217 mynock11
218 rogueace2000
219 nack5811
220 darkside449
221 Darth Boru
222 Darth Boru
223 cplfreezer
224 schmuck man
225 sw_freeek
226 xwing25
227 bedlam412
228 walking_carpet
229 jjislas
230 Darth Boru
231 nack5811
232 xwing25
233 bedlam412
234 rogueace2000
235 schmuck man
237 Darth Dug
238 orbles
240 Darth Dug
241 chilaquil66
242 Jedi Freezeman
243 Yoda Man
244 Jedi Freezeman
245 jfrog2002
246 darthzohner
247 jfrog2002
249 Jedi Daniel
250 bedlam412
251 Jedi_Joel
252 Jaguar
253 chilaquil66
254 jjislas
255 Carl Waterworth
256 Carl Waterworth
257 starwax137
258 darthskelington
259 starwax137
260 starwax137
262 sw_freeek
263 darthskelington
264 Jedi Freezeman
265 sw_freeek
266 Darth Boru
267 schmuck man
268 Jedi_Joel
269 JediBeagle
270 Jaguar
271 obre
272 Yoda Man
273 Carl Waterworth
274 Jedi_Joel
275 xwing25
276 Zepp
277 nack5811
279 bedlam412
280 Jedi Freezeman
281 Carl Waterworth
282 Jedi_Joel
283 starfox27
284 jfrog2002
285 starwax137
286 orbles
287 srgambuti
288 Jedi_Joel
289 nack5811
290 darthskelington
291 darthskelington
292 sw_freeek
293 Jedi Daniel
294 darthzohner
295 sw_freeek
296 bedlam412
297 xwing25
298 darthskelington
299 xwing25
300 Yoda Man
301 rogueace2000
302 nack5811
303 nack5811
304 cplfreezer
305 mynock11
306 xwing25
307 Jedi Daniel
308 schmuck man
309 Yoda Man
310 Jedi Daniel
311 rogueace2000
312 darthskelington
313 Yoda Man
314 darthskelington
315 IG-PPO
316 bedlam412
317 orbles
318 orbles
319 tatooine_clone7
320 Jedi Daniel
321 darthzohner
322 Carl Waterworth
323 Carl Waterworth
324 jfrog2002
325 Jedi_Joel
326 chilaquil66
327 Jaguar
328 jedimaster9999
329 Jedi_Joel
330 mynock11
331 Cb2K
332 nack5811
333 darkside449
334 bedlam412
335 darthskelington
336 Jedi_Joel
337 darthskelington
338 Jaguar
339 Black Robot
341 Darth Boru
342 Jedi Daniel
343 chilaquil66
344 cplfreezer
345 Jedi_Joel
346 Zepp
347 jedimaster10001
348 Carl Waterworth
349 JediBeagle
350 schmuck man
351 Carl Waterworth
352 starfox27
353 darthzohner
354 mreynolds
355 schmuck man
356 Jedi Daniel
357 darkside449
358 bedlam412
359 starwax137
360 Yoda Man
361 darthzohner
362 DJCB
363 bedlam412
364 jfrog2002
365 Darth Dug
366 starfox27
367 JediSearch
368 chilaquil66
369 jfrog2002
370 rogueace2000
371 mynock11
372 rogueace2000
373 bedlam412
374 chilaquil66
375 darkside449
376 darkside449
377 starwax137
378 obre
379 starfox27
380 schmuck man
381 Yoda Man
382 Yoda Man
383 jfrog2002
384 darthskelington
385 nack5811
386 JediBeagle
387 nack5811
388 darthzohner
389 jedimaster10002
390 darthskelington
391 xwing25
392 Obi-Dad
393 Yoda Man
394 darthzohner
395 xwing25
396 xwing25
397 Darth Dug
398 schmuck man
399 nack5811
400 starfox27
401 Jaguar
403 chilaquil66
404 bedlam412
405 JediBeagle
406 starwax137
407 Darth Dug
408 Jaguar
409 mynock11
410 JediBeagle
411 rogueace2000
412 Jedi Freezeman
413 rogueace2000
414 Jedi_Joel
415 rogueace2000
416 rogueace2000
417 nack5811
418 starwax137
419 starfox27
420 darthskelington
421 rogueace2000
422 darthskelington
423 orbles



Staff member
bedlam412 064
bedlam412 073
bedlam412 105
bedlam412 127
bedlam412 154
bedlam412 227
bedlam412 233
bedlam412 250
bedlam412 279
bedlam412 296
bedlam412 316
bedlam412 334
bedlam412 358
bedlam412 363
bedlam412 373
bedlam412 404
Black Robot 339
Carl Waterworth 078
Carl Waterworth 192
Carl Waterworth 212
Carl Waterworth 255
Carl Waterworth 256
Carl Waterworth 273
Carl Waterworth 281
Carl Waterworth 322
Carl Waterworth 323
Carl Waterworth 348
Carl Waterworth 351
Cb2K 331
chilaquil66 066
chilaquil66 069
chilaquil66 077
chilaquil66 151
chilaquil66 156
chilaquil66 164
chilaquil66 196
chilaquil66 210
chilaquil66 241
chilaquil66 253
chilaquil66 326
chilaquil66 343
chilaquil66 368
chilaquil66 374
chilaquil66 403
ChuckCaves 096
cplfreezer 014
cplfreezer 030
cplfreezer 041
cplfreezer 062
cplfreezer 106
cplfreezer 153
cplfreezer 163
cplfreezer 179
cplfreezer 181
cplfreezer 183
cplfreezer 223
cplfreezer 304
cplfreezer 344
darkside449 076
darkside449 083
darkside449 088
darkside449 099
darkside449 121
darkside449 130
darkside449 134
darkside449 139
darkside449 142
darkside449 168
darkside449 170
darkside449 220
darkside449 333
darkside449 357
darkside449 375
darkside449 376
Darth Boru 048
Darth Boru 071
Darth Boru 133
Darth Boru 165
Darth Boru 191
Darth Boru 221
Darth Boru 222
Darth Boru 230
Darth Boru 266
Darth Boru 341
Darth Dug 058
Darth Dug 091
Darth Dug 140
Darth Dug 173
Darth Dug 184
Darth Dug 185
Darth Dug 201
Darth Dug 237
Darth Dug 240
Darth Dug 365
Darth Dug 397
Darth Dug 407
darthskelington 094
darthskelington 119
darthskelington 186
darthskelington 258
darthskelington 263
darthskelington 290
darthskelington 291
darthskelington 298
darthskelington 312
darthskelington 314
darthskelington 335
darthskelington 337
darthskelington 384
darthskelington 390
darthskelington 420
darthskelington 422
darthzohner 020
darthzohner 059
darthzohner 108
darthzohner 129
darthzohner 137
darthzohner 174
darthzohner 197
darthzohner 204
darthzohner 246
darthzohner 294
darthzohner 321
darthzohner 353
darthzohner 361
darthzohner 388
darthzohner 394
DJCB 362
geekorama 087
IG-PPO 036
IG-PPO 315
Jaguar 021
Jaguar 049
Jaguar 070
Jaguar 089
Jaguar 102
Jaguar 155
Jaguar 167
Jaguar 189
Jaguar 199
Jaguar 252
Jaguar 270
Jaguar 327
Jaguar 338
Jaguar 401
Jaguar 408
Jedi Daniel 004
Jedi Daniel 042
Jedi Daniel 103
Jedi Daniel 131
Jedi Daniel 136
Jedi Daniel 144
Jedi Daniel 149
Jedi Daniel 157
Jedi Daniel 206
Jedi Daniel 249
Jedi Daniel 293
Jedi Daniel 307
Jedi Daniel 310
Jedi Daniel 320
Jedi Daniel 342
Jedi Daniel 356
Jedi Freezeman 002
Jedi Freezeman 037
Jedi Freezeman 051
Jedi Freezeman 054
Jedi Freezeman 074
Jedi Freezeman 082
Jedi Freezeman 084
Jedi Freezeman 150
Jedi Freezeman 193
Jedi Freezeman 202
Jedi Freezeman 242
Jedi Freezeman 244
Jedi Freezeman 264
Jedi Freezeman 280
Jedi Freezeman 412
Jedi_Joel 050
Jedi_Joel 152
Jedi_Joel 175
Jedi_Joel 214
Jedi_Joel 251
Jedi_Joel 268
Jedi_Joel 274
Jedi_Joel 282
Jedi_Joel 288
Jedi_Joel 325
Jedi_Joel 329
Jedi_Joel 336
Jedi_Joel 345
Jedi_Joel 414
JediBeagle 015
JediBeagle 043
JediBeagle 080
JediBeagle 081
JediBeagle 097
JediBeagle 269
JediBeagle 349
JediBeagle 386
JediBeagle 405
JediBeagle 410
jedimaster10000 038
jedimaster10001 347
jedimaster10002 389
jedimaster10003 061
jedimaster9999 328
JediSearch 055
JediSearch 056
JediSearch 075
JediSearch 367
jfrog2002 017
jfrog2002 039
jfrog2002 044
jfrog2002 060
jfrog2002 090
jfrog2002 107
jfrog2002 123
jfrog2002 143
jfrog2002 158
jfrog2002 245
jfrog2002 247
jfrog2002 284
jfrog2002 324
jfrog2002 364
jfrog2002 369
jfrog2002 383
jjislas 011
jjislas 013
jjislas 045
jjislas 046
jjislas 067
jjislas 147
jjislas 169
jjislas 229
jjislas 254
mreynolds 354
mynock11 005
mynock11 012
mynock11 022
mynock11 047
mynock11 063
mynock11 093
mynock11 138
mynock11 177
mynock11 208
mynock11 216
mynock11 217
mynock11 305
mynock11 330
mynock11 371
mynock11 409
nack5811 026
nack5811 079
nack5811 111
nack5811 113
nack5811 213
nack5811 219
nack5811 231
nack5811 277
nack5811 289
nack5811 302
nack5811 303
nack5811 332
nack5811 385
nack5811 387
nack5811 399
nack5811 417
Obi-Dad 392
obre 003
obre 018
obre 025
obre 057
obre 092
obre 109
obre 141
obre 159
obre 180
obre 195
obre 198
obre 271
obre 378
orbles 033
orbles 120
orbles 125
orbles 203
orbles 238
orbles 286
orbles 317
orbles 318
orbles 423
rogueace2000 008
rogueace2000 085
rogueace2000 086
rogueace2000 161
rogueace2000 182
rogueace2000 218
rogueace2000 234
rogueace2000 301
rogueace2000 311
rogueace2000 370
rogueace2000 372
rogueace2000 411
rogueace2000 413
rogueace2000 415
rogueace2000 416
rogueace2000 421
schmuck man 001
schmuck man 006
schmuck man 009
schmuck man 035
schmuck man 052
schmuck man 095
schmuck man 135
schmuck man 176
schmuck man 224
schmuck man 235
schmuck man 267
schmuck man 308
schmuck man 350
schmuck man 355
schmuck man 380
schmuck man 398
srgambuti 124
srgambuti 160
srgambuti 171
srgambuti 287
starfox27 016
starfox27 023
starfox27 032
starfox27 034
starfox27 114
starfox27 145
starfox27 178
starfox27 188
starfox27 200
starfox27 283
starfox27 352
starfox27 366
starfox27 379
starfox27 400
starfox27 419
starwax137 098
starwax137 101
starwax137 162
starwax137 172
starwax137 257
starwax137 259
starwax137 260
starwax137 285
starwax137 359
starwax137 377
starwax137 406
starwax137 418
sw_freeek 027
sw_freeek 028
sw_freeek 112
sw_freeek 132
sw_freeek 146
sw_freeek 148
sw_freeek 190
sw_freeek 205
sw_freeek 209
sw_freeek 225
sw_freeek 262
sw_freeek 265
sw_freeek 292
sw_freeek 295
tatooine_clone7 319
Thork 029
walking_carpet 118
walking_carpet 228
xwing25 007
xwing25 019
xwing25 024
xwing25 031
xwing25 053
xwing25 072
xwing25 104
xwing25 226
xwing25 232
xwing25 275
xwing25 297
xwing25 299
xwing25 306
xwing25 391
xwing25 395
xwing25 396
Yoda Man 040
Yoda Man 068
Yoda Man 110
Yoda Man 128
Yoda Man 166
Yoda Man 194
Yoda Man 207
Yoda Man 243
Yoda Man 272
Yoda Man 300
Yoda Man 309
Yoda Man 313
Yoda Man 360
Yoda Man 381
Yoda Man 382
Yoda Man 393
Zepp 187
Zepp 215
Zepp 276
Zepp 346


Staff member

105 bedlam412 is the winner! You have 1 week to PM me and claim your prize. If the prize is not claimed another winner will be chosen. Thanks for playing. The next round will start in a few weeks.

WC out!


Thanks guys! Just lucky I guess ... this time I actually get some figs that I missed in the stores ... WC my PM is on the way. Thanks again to all!!!

Darth Boru

Celtic Sith
Just lucky.....There's luck, and there's luck.

Of course there's also lies, damned lies and statistics....I happen to like statistics ;) Except the statistics that say I entered, entered again...and again..and again...etc...and STILL lost.....

Many congrats Bedlam, you jammy spy you!
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