General Movie Topic


Staff member
What have you seen lately? In the theater on or DVD?

Besides V, I saw Inside Man this weekend. I thought it was really good, hard to explain why without spoiling it.

Failure to Launch was ok, I'm not a big Sarah Jessica Parker fan, but I thought Zooey Deschanel was funny. Matthew McConaughey looked good but I think he could have done better than this movie.


Staff member
I saw Inside Man this weekend also. While I liked it, I kept thinking how cool V for Vendetta was. So, of the 2, I vote V.

Inside Man has some unusual title music. It was just weird and it didn't really fit the movie. Odd choice.

The last 2 movies I watched on DVD are Se7en and Fight Club. I had the audio commentary on for both (Se7en: David Fincher, Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman - Fight Club: David Fincher, Brad Pitt, Edward Norton and Helena Bonham Carter).


I've read up on A Scanner Darkly. It supposed to come out some time soon this month. I haven't seen this movie, but I'm very interested in it and if anybody has a review of it I'd appreciate it. I also share your V sentiments, Borsk. I can hardly stop talking about the movie. I really need to go see it again. I don't know if it will cure me or make it worse. My most recent DVD was Mirrormask it was beautiful, but I wasn't that into the story line. I still want to see Domino and Walk the Line, but haven't seen either of those yet! Shame on me!


I saw The Hills Have Eyes remake last week. As some of you may know, I'm a horror fanatic. This was gruesome, shocking, tense, and overall really enjoyable, especially compared to most other recent horror classic remakes like The Fog. Unfotunately, the last half hour really stretched it as far as believability goes. Other than that, if you like horror, this will do just fine. ;)


Yoda Man

New Recruit
I recently saw Failure to Launch and loved it. My favorite actress of all time is probably Zooey Deschanel. I loved her in Elf and Hitchhiker's Guide, and she was hilarious int his! I'll see Ice Age 2 on Friday


Staff member
CreepyBunny said:
Thought this was in keeping with the theme of this post. On the new poll is vote for your favorite Natalie Portman movie. Thought you guys might like to put your two cents in
Hmm. Is this the movie that Natalie Portman is the best in, or the best movie that Natalie Portman is a part of? If we're looking for the best performance by Natalie, I'm going to have to say Beautiful Girls.


Staff member
WC's reviews:
Match Point
Good, can be slow at times, I'd recommend it for rental.

Funny...but sad, just how I like 'em. Jason Schwartzman is really good. Claire Danes is one of my fave actresses. I think Steve Martin's character should have been played by someone else, but the movie is based on his novella, so he gets to be in it. ;) I liked the book better though.

The Family Stone
Good Christmas "family gathering" movie. I usually think Sarah Jessica Parker is annoying, but she is really good in this. Luke Wilson and Rachel McAdams were good. Claire Danes is in this one too.

Ice Age 2
It was ok, Sid the Sloth is hysterical, but I wouldn't buy it on DVD though.


I haven't heard of any of your DVD reviews WC. :(

I have been renting mostly horror releases lately, most of which aren't very good. Only movie I've seen this year at the theater has been Hills Have Eyes. Really good for the genre, but if you don't like horror - this won't change your mind.

I should add that because of our old horror Rancor Pit, I finally watched Donnie Darko. It was good, but a little odd too. Not scary or suspenseful, but a neat little adventure in insanity. The whole time travel thing, especially as it relates to Frank's involvement in the plot, was something I didn't see until the end, when it became obvious.



Staff member
Well, most of my DVD reviews were chick flicks. ;)

I kind of want to see MI:III, because J.J. Abrahms directed it, but I don't know if I can get past the crazy Tom Cruise factor.

Darth Aussie

Australian Sith Lord
Maybe a new section...Wookiee Cookiees DVD or Film reviews?

Ice age 2...took the daughter to see it. was ok, just as good as the first......



Dark Lord of the Typos
I saw Silent Hill Thursday night. I give it a rating of 3 Skels. :skel::skel::skel:

I thought it wa quite good. Not the bestest movie ever, but enjoyable and nothing wrong with it. (Unlike the first Resident Evil where you go..that sucks...that was over the top....thats too CGI) :p

Now, I haven't played the I don't know how the storyline compares....but it had some genuinely creepy video game style settings. :D


I really want to see Silent Hill too, but I haven't seen it yet. I haven't played the game either but my students said that the game story line is "deep." Something to do with a god having different parts that the lady encounters.

Had a girls out this evening with the little lady I used to babysit (good memories). We went to see American Haunting. It was lovely! I think I gasped and covered my mouth every 15 minutes or so. Good times!