Watto's Lotto Week 25

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Staff member

This week's prize:
Anakin Skywalker (Outland Peasant Disguise), Padme Amidala (Arena Escape), Obi-Wan Kenobi (Coruscant Chase), C-3PO (Protocol Droid), Kit Fisto (Jedi Master), Super Battle Droid, Boba Fett (Kamino Escape), Tusken Raider (Female With Tusken Child), Captain Typho, Shaak Ti (Jedi Master), Battle Droid (Arena Battle), Plo Koon (Arena Battle), Jango Fett (Kamino Escape), R2-D2 (Coruscant Sentry), Geonosian Warrior, Dexter Jettster (Coruscant Informant), Clone Trooper, Zam Wesell (Bounty Hunter) Royal Guard (Coruscant Security), Saesee Tiin (Jedi Master), Nikto (Jedi Knight), Anakin Skywalker (Hangar Duel), Yoda (Jedi Master), Jar Jar Binks (Gungan Senator) & Taun We (Kamino Cloner). «
Please post your 3 digit number in this thread!


Staff member
The Rules:
Registered forum members can play Watto's Lotto by choosing 3 numbers from 0-9 and posting those numbers in the appropriate week's thread. The numbers will have to be in the correct order and there will be no duplicate numbers. For example: 777 would never come up because once the first seven is drawn it cannot be drawn again. If the winning numbers were 294 and someome guessed 924 that would not be a winner, it would have to be in the order that they are drawn. Every Wednesday, three winning numbers will be posted. Forum members have up until that point to submit their three numbers.

We will start the prize pool with one 3 3/4 Star Wars figure, and another figure will be added every week until we have a winner. In case of a tie, the chance cube will come into play and 1 winner of the prize pool will be selected.


Jedi Trainer
The following numbers have picked the following amount of times:
0: 6x
1: 8x
2: 6x
3: 11x
4: 8x
5: 4x
6: 5x
7: 8x
8: 11x
9: 6x
Wich means that the following numbers have not been used "much": 5 6 029

=> 625 <=
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