Just a question...


New Recruit
Will there ever be a "Personal Collection Photo" section anytime soon?

I like to look at other fans collections... Seeing how they have displayed there prized trophies, odds and ends, that sort of thang. Ya know... like Jabba!



Staff member

You may attach a picture to any of your posts. There are some restrictions involving filesize (which I would be open to adjusting once I see what's needed). You can either attach a file or include it using the command which is VB code.

As far as the "personal collection photo" section:

I hadn't really thought about it, but I'll discuss it with the others. One option would be to simply create a new forum area for discussing photos of peoples' collections.

I'll talk it over with the others and will get back to you with how we decide to go about handling it.

Very good suggestion! :)


Staff member
It looks like adding a picture area to the forum would be the best way to go. It will be easier for me and for the people that want to post their pics.

You should see it by tomorrow.

Pictures can be no larger than 1024x768 and under 102400 bytes (100k). This is the maximum size (which is plenty big, I think), but if you don't need to post a picture that big, then don't. It will let those threads load quicker.

I'll post an announcement in that forum that gives instructions on how to attach a photo.



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