I sent my 1st letters out August 15, so I haven't gotten any back yet. Total Request out: 23
August 15: Christine Hewett and Caroline Blankiston
August 18: Dalyn Chew and James Arnold Taylor
August 27: Susie Porter, Ewan McGregor, Kiera Knightly,Caroline De Souza Correa, Claudia Karvan, and Trisha Noble
August 31: Kristy Wright, Candice Orwell, and Nathalie Cox
Sept 1: Alex Rodriguez and Judi Dench(both via email)
Sept 4: Rose Byrne, Carol De Silva, Mercede's N'Goh, Eva Green, Daniel Craig, Sofia Myles
September 6th: Justin Timberlake, Melanie C and Melanie B from the Spice Girls