Well, it's complicated for me. Small figures based on the classic trilogy, whether they're vintage or modern era, I collect both loose and carded. Vintage vehicles I collect open, while modern vehicles I open except for the latest with window boxes and figure pack-ins - then I buy two. Same thing goes for playsets. For 12", I collect vintage loose, but only boxed modern. In general, that's all I collect. Any other odds and ends, I will usually keep packaged.
I have mixed feelings on future values. At this time, I could not care less about what something's worth, except for knowing what I'll have to pay to get it. For the forseeable future, it will remain this way. However, 20 or 30 years from now, as I head towards retirement, I may not want my collection anymore. I don't see it happening right now, but I always try to think ahead. If this one day LOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGGG from now becomes the case, then I'll probably want to know what it's worth, so I can get fair market value. I don't want to give anyone the impression I want to sell, because right now it's the furthest thing from my mind. Growing up, through the dry spell between the late 80's and early 90's, I think I considered selling my old Star Wars toys once, and that thought lasted about a week. I couldn't bear to let them go. Not with all the memories of growing up with them.
Anyway, that's how I stand on it.