Hasbro Arc Trooper(clone wars)


New Recruit
I dunno, but i was just wondering why it turned out so wierd. And if anyone has any information if they might recreate it for the 30th anniversary lines tell me. I mean what was the point of its right arm...it just stretched out and you couldnt even angle it. yep this is my rant

Darth Boru

Celtic Sith
Its a good rant too! everyone is entitled to a little rant now and then :)

Wish I could help, but I quit collecting all but the most unusual Hasbro items a long time back.


Dark Lord of the Typos
I agree, the original arc troopers left a little to be desired. I mean, they were cool...but the sculpt was a little off and articulation was limited.

Good news though....Hasbro actually DID re-sculpt this figure for the 30th anniversary line! In one of the current comic-book 2-packs, you can get Obi-Wan Kenobi and Alpha (an ARC Trooper). Alpha is a brand new sculpt, with super-articulation and a removeable helmet. You might be able to find this at Target or Walmart. They came out shortly before Christmas.

Also, not sure, but I think the Entertainment Earth Republic Forces figure sets come with 2 "Shadow ARCs", which are black and red ARC troopers....I think they have a newer sculpt. Not certain, I haven't picked them up yet.


New Recruit
yea, but to me it seemed the head looked a little big. I also read up on the new 30th anniversary wave. they remade the arc heavy gunner and scuba clone or something


died almost 10 years ago
I have both the figures Skellington mentioned ( the comic pack ARC and the Mandolorian pack black & red ARCs). They are totally amazing figures. I hate the original CW ARCs, total garbage.
The heads look big on the 2 newer ARCs compared to the originals (which heads actually look too small for the figure) due to the removable helmets.

As for other quality ARC figures; Captain Fordo from the Hunt For Grievous battlepack should also be mentioned here. Cool figure (actually a ROTS #33 Commander body), as is the ARC Heavy Gunner from that pack. The other 3 in that pack are the crappy CW mold.


New Recruit
Sifo-Dyas;79183 said:
I have both the figures Skellington mentioned ( the comic pack ARC and the Mandolorian pack black & red ARCs). They are totally amazing figures. I hate the original CW ARCs, total garbage.
The heads look big on the 2 newer ARCs compared to the originals (which heads actually look too small for the figure) due to the removable helmets.

As for other quality ARC figures; Captain Fordo from the Hunt For Grievous battlepack should also be mentioned here. Cool figure (actually a ROTS #33 Commander body), as is the ARC Heavy Gunner from that pack. The other 3 in that pack are the crappy CW mold.

Wait wait... what?!:eek: captain fordo can be like moved ( arms and legs )?????????? i didnt know that..cuz the other arcs from that pack are the same crappy ones from the CW series. Now ive got to get fordo.....:mad: wasted so much money on the crappy arcs(bought 4)....