Found a new cheap site based in the UK


New Recruit
Hit, pretty cool site with a massive range, found that they have the 2 new speeders in from AOTC and it seems that they are doing an extra 10% off everything today on the website. Some really cheap deals especailly with Mcfarlane toys. Just ordered and it was very quick and easy. About time the UK had another good site to buy from. The do worldwide shipping as well. Back to fixing my mostiuriser.


New Recruit
No I don't own the company. I am new to this sort of community and I thought seeing as i am off sick lets see what's it like in these forums that a friend at work bangs on about. I thought that was the whole idea of these boards, if you see a good website tell the world? You must own a rival store yourself to be so sore.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
not at all.
It's just unusual for someone to sign up and the first thing they post about is an online store with a post that reads like a newsfeed. I know nothing of and probably would not have if not for your post. I will certainly check it out and I look forward to more good info.


New Recruit
Didn't know what else to write about so I thought this would be good for openers. I was going to tell you about my plight to find a queen amidala asscension and how I paid £33 on ebay but that's boring and it serves me right for not buying it for £2 when I had the chance 2 years ago. It's a nightmare trying to find websites that sell in the UK. There a couple like R2dtoys which is good but the site can be slow, and like popcorn which again delivery can be slow. Briantoys is ok for the odd thing but the dollar against the pound is a killer at the moment and shipping cancels out much of the saving.


Welcome to the site djlondon. We all want to make you feel at home here, but in this day and age, where spammers run rampant, one can never tell.

AmShak never meant any harm. Just looking out for the best interests of his site. I'm sure you can understand. Let's start out fresh, shall we?

I assume you're from the London area? I was born just outside Manchester, but I live in Canada now. Always good to see more international faces here. Have a look around, and I hope you like what you see.



New Recruit
no offense taken at all. I understand. Yep, good old London. I recently went to Vancouver and fell in love with the place but it was not very good for shopping in the Star Wars dept, very dissappoining. Even went up to Toysrus on the broadway. No good. Anyway.... lots to learn.... all the best.


Yeah, SW in Canada absolutely sucks. I live farther east, near Toronto (Go Leafs Go ;) ). Ontario is the best province for SW, but it is still garbage, not only worse than the US, but worse than the UK from what I understand.
