dustrho's Customs


S.C.A.L.P. Wpns Supplier
My Customs Page

Okay, let me first warn you that I have never done customizing with Star Wars toys, of any kind, until just a few days ago. In the first night I finished a total of five action figures, three of which are different, and I think they turned out pretty damn good for a beginner. Now that a few days have passed I have finished a total of 12 figures. I know there's still a lot of room for improvement, but you can't get any better at something unless you work hard at it. Hope you enjoy the pics.


S.C.A.L.P. Special Ops
You are a customizing machine! That is ton of customs to come out of the starting gates with. Nice job! I really like the gray troopers. What kind of paint are you using?


S.C.A.L.P. Wpns Supplier
Thanks JediSearch! I am using Apple Barrel paints that you can find at Wal-Mart in the Crafts section. These paints are not in the toy/models area. I really like the gray a lot too, since they look so bad ass, but my favorite is the light blue Commander. I really like how the skirt turned out with me painting it blue and the straps white.


S.C.A.L.P. Special Ops
The Gray Patrol Commander would look really good with either a gray or black kama (skirt).

Did you make up the paint schemes or did you have a reference? I recognize the Shocktrooper, but what about the others?

I'm still trying to get up the nerve to customize a 3.75" figure. I didn't have any problem jumping in on the BK Super-D toys, but the action figures are different ball game and they cost quite a bit more.


S.C.A.L.P. Wpns Supplier
The only one that is cannon is the Shock Trooper, which I used from a reference picture that I found somewhere online. All the other ones I did were just randomly done. Which one of the gray troopers do you like the most? I think painting that skirt black on the Commander might look pretty sweet. I'll have to think about that one, or just paint another one similar but with the black skirt.


S.C.A.L.P. Special Ops
Barring the Commander - between the other two troopers, I like this guy better:


He would be more difficult to spot if he was peeking out from his vantage point.

The legs on the other one seem kinda funny to me, I think the grey on the thighs almost looks like spandex. :laughat:

The Commander on the other hand, is way cool!


Dark Lord of the Typos
Very cool! I'd have no problem if you accidentally mailed all those to me as a free donation to the Build Skel's Army fund :looking:


Dark Lord of the Typos
I'd have to say the Red shock trooper is my favorite, but they are all good. The gray squad are pretty cool. The one that's heavy on the gray helmet paint....on the one hand it strikes me as looking kinda funny.....on the other it looks really cool. Either way, it catches my attention. I'll check the others all out soon and give you a good review on my favorites. :p

Jedi Freezeman

Very nice... I'd like the Shock Trooper as well. I like the idea of customizing, but life is way to busy for me right now. I though it might be something to take up when I retire... in 35 years!


S.C.A.L.P. Special Ops
The Green Guys

Nice job on the Commander! I like the fact that you painted the kama. He loos great.

The Trooper - I'm not crazy about him, I think it's his face mask.

Regardless of my opinion, you are doing a great job! Keep 'em coming. :guns:

Darth Boru

Celtic Sith
I wanna know where you're getting all the basic figures....is there a portal to a universe full of abandoned loose figures we should know about? ;)


S.C.A.L.P. Wpns Supplier
Darth Boru said:
I wanna know where you're getting all the basic figures....is there a portal to a universe full of abandoned loose figures we should know about? ;)

I've been buying a ton of them in stores, I've done a bunch of trades, and I've bought extras off of people from Star Wars sites. My army is growing at a constant rate, and I will rule the galaxy! ;-)