Dark Lord of the Typos
Ford is an impossibility. Neeson rarely signs, and never SW. HE usually only signs for charity auctions and stuff. Ewan and Natalie are big names, and I don't think Natalie even signs SW stuff (in part due to forgeries). I've never heard of Ian McDiarmid appearing, or JE Jones or Sam Jackson. (Official Pix listed them as "people they work with" more as a PR thing. They have Sam Jacksons autograpsh for sale online for $110. Christopher Lee does do shows from time to time, and has done numerous private signings.
Hamill and Fisher do appearances. In fact Fisher has made appearances at every show sincre C2
Hamill was backing off from SW, in part due to high demand and WAY to many fakes being sold. As a result, he does not sign 'Luke Skywalker" on anything anymore, or use certain pictures. However, after a 1-2 year hiatus, this past year he did at least 3 private SW signings I know of. So.....he's back in the game.
However, back in the day (1999-2002) I received signatures through the mail from many people. James Earl Jones was almost a guaranteed signer. Ewan signed 3 pictures for me. Sam Jackson even signed my pic. Christopher Lee too.
Lucas signs for charity, or if you are lucky enough to meet him somewhere.
Hamill and Fisher do appearances. In fact Fisher has made appearances at every show sincre C2

However, back in the day (1999-2002) I received signatures through the mail from many people. James Earl Jones was almost a guaranteed signer. Ewan signed 3 pictures for me. Sam Jackson even signed my pic. Christopher Lee too.
Lucas signs for charity, or if you are lucky enough to meet him somewhere.