Boru's Bust Ups

Darth Boru

Celtic Sith
Not the biggest collection in the world, nor the best photo, but here's my little collection of bust ups. There's a set of glow in the dark there too, but they're still in the white box on the bottom shelf. Must put them together....


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S.C.A.L.P. Wpns Supplier
Nice picture of your Bust-Ups. I haven't seen anyone's displayed in their collection before, and it's nice seeing them out in the open like that. I only own a couple of these, which came free with two bigger busts I purchased, and I wasn't all that thrilled with them. They look great, but the quality of them really disappointed me. Nonetheless, nice setup of them!


S.C.A.L.P. Special Ops
Excellent display Boru! I love seeing all the troopers. That's a nice collection of Bust-ups you have going. Very cool!


New Recruit
nice customs on the Han and Luke.

You opened the Blue clone trooper up! Shame on you! ;)

I just got the toy fair boba fettt through the post the other day and all I need for a complete collection, are the black hole stormtrooper and amber chewie

Darth Boru

Celtic Sith
Yoda Man said:
The han and Luke toopers. Are those exclusives I am unaware of or are they customs?

Those are customs - got them in a job lot on ebay, sadly the place where almost all of these came from. Really tricky getting them here.

Darth Boru

Celtic Sith
Nightwing said:
You opened the Blue clone trooper up! Shame on you! ;)

True, but then it did come in a simple plastic wrapper, nothing fancy about it at all. I have kept the insert.

Normally I hate to open things, but I've made a decision on bust ups to just open them and try to do a reasonable display. My main drive at the moment is to fill the gaps and get a full set. Scambay here we come....woohoo!!


New Recruit
When it comes to buying bust-ups, I tend to buy them in full sets.

That way, you don't find yourself missing one, and normally the variants are included.

I've optioned not to open my glowing spirit, toyfair fett or clone trooper editions.

I also got my Jango bust up yesterday along with the bust-up poster and a Gentle Giant card signed by Ray Harryhausen previewing their upcoming Clash of the Titans line :)

Darth Boru

Celtic Sith
Getting them in full sets can turn out expensive, unless you're lucky. I've just scored a Dooku, Zuckuss, Dengar, Maul, Sidious and Bossk for 99p each - woohoo!!

All I need now for a full set (so far) is :-

standard Leia
Vader (plus variant)
Maul variant

I think there might be a couple of Stormtrooper variants I have snagged yet too, bizarrely.

Yoda Man

New Recruit
I got the entire first set for a buck each, I got half the second wave for 4 bucks and after that I decided I didn't want to spend anymore money on the line now that some became harder to find. I haven't found a single red guard, palpatine, or Dooku


New Recruit
Darth Boru said:
Getting them in full sets can turn out expensive, unless you're lucky. I've just scored a Dooku, Zuckuss, Dengar, Maul, Sidious and Bossk for 99p each - woohoo!!

I think there might be a couple of Stormtrooper variants I have snagged yet too, bizarrely.
I managed to get the full bounty hunters set for £20 including silver fett - not badd when each one normally goes for a fiver

If you have a spare blackhole, and want to sell it, please LMK

BTW, looking at the poster, there are some that I don't know where to get:

Green, red and yellow clonetroopers

Darth Boru

Celtic Sith
Nightwing said:
If you have a spare blackhole, and want to sell it, please LMK

BTW, looking at the poster, there are some that I don't know where to get:

Green, red and yellow clonetroopers

Maybe the clonetroopers are going to be in a future graphic novel or similar?

Don't have a spare black hole stormie, I'm still looking for the other black hole variants. There are 3 as far as I know.