The short vs. long cape debate, like Coke vs. Pepsi, X-Box vs. Playstation 3 and Jen vs. Angelina, has dominated talk at Imperial water coolers for years. While both styles remain popular, savy Bespins will quickly see why shorter is better.
When walking amongst the catwalks and living in the clouds, no one wants a savage wind to blow your cape everywhere. One strong gust can take you flying like Boba Fett into a Sarlaac (well, more accurately into a sail barge, but I digress). Another benefit is the material - while shorter capes will be lovely cloth, many longer capes were <GASP!> vinyl. Vinyl may keep the sides of your tatooine trailer looking lovely, but it's a fashion DON'T!
Finally - let's just say it doesn't "fool" anyone. Sort of like a Jawa driving a sandcrawler, you may THINK that the larger size of cape may put out an image of...well...power and of a lightsaber closer to Darth's than Yoda's. However the people that matter can always see through the disguise!
Fett's know fashion, and Boba adopted the short cape early on. Who wouldn't feel like the most powerful bounty hunter in the galaxy when your short cape is flung over one shoulder!
Consider yourself educated! And thank us later.
-The Mon Calamari Fashionistas...your fashion sense can't withstand knowledge of this magnitude!! And that's NOT a trap...