Dark Lord of the Typos

Julian Glover has nearly five decades of television, film and stage acting to his credit. I’m sure I can’t even begin to name his best works, but I can list some of his works that are more recognizable to us. Most recently he played Triopas in Troy, and voiced the giant spider Aragog in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. He also played Walter Donovan in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, and led the attack on Echo Base as General Maxmillian Veers in the Empire Strikes Back. Bond fans may know him as Kristatos in For Your Eyes Only, and he’s made his share of Doctor Who appearances as well.
You can check out Mr. Glover’s IMDB filmography here:
Mr. Glover has been a long-time signer of autographs through the mail. Typically he will sign anything sent to him, and often sends his own photo too. Many people have received responses in less than 2 months…less than a week if you live in the UK.

Julian Glover
19 Ullswater Rd.
London SW13 9PL
Should any celebrity wish their address not posted, please contact myself (darthskelington) or any site staff member and it will be removed immediately.
AmShak note:
The images below are at 200 dpi and should print out at 4.25 inches by 6.25 inches with the intention of trimming them down to 4” X 6”