002 - Jason Wingreen (Voice of Boba Fett)


Dark Lord of the Typos


Our second project is Jason Wingreen, better known to Star Wars fans as the original voice of Boba Fett.

Mr. Wingreen has had a long film career, consisting mostly of small parts. You’ve probably seen a movie or two that he was in.

You can check out Mr. Wingreen’s IMDB filmography here.


Mr. Wingreen is a fairly recent autograph discovery. I seem to recall in an old Insider interview Jeremy Bulloch once stated that he thought the gentleman who voiced Boba Fett was no longer alive. Rumors of his death are greatly exaggerated. However, Mr. Wingreen is 85 years old, and willingly devotes some of his spare time to answering fan mail—something to keep in mind when writing.

It seems Mr. Wingreen is happy to sign or personalize just about anything you send, so long as you include a SASE and proper postage. I would recommend sending index cards, trading cards, or photos – things that aren’t an inconvenience.

Mr. Wingreen can be a fast signer, sometimes returning items in less than two weeks J Sound like something you might be interested in? Well then, get writing! Don’t forget to log when you sent your request. Post it here if you like.

Mr. Jason Wingreen
4224 Teesdale Ave.
North Hollywood, CA 91604-1544

Should any celebrity wish their address not posted, please contact myself (darthskelington) or any site staff member and it will be removed immediately.

AmShak note:
The images below are at 200 dpi and should print out at 4.25 inches by 6.25 inches with the intention of trimming them down to 4” X 6”


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    0002Jason Wingreen ep5 2.jpg
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  • 0002Jason Wingreen ep5 3.jpg
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Dark Lord of the Typos
Re: TBS Autograph Project 002 - Jason Wingreen (Voice of Boba Fett)

I wrote Mr. Wingreen shortly before C3. I sent a small SASE and three cards (index, vintage, and widevision). I requested a personalized autograph. All came back personalized to me in just over a week.

Sent: 3/29/05

Received: 4/8/05


Dark Lord of the Typos
Re: TBS Autograph Project 002 - Jason Wingreen (Voice of Boba Fett)

Here's a scan. Meant to post it earlier, but was having computer issues. :banghead:


  • JW autographs.jpg
    JW autographs.jpg
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Re: TBS Autograph Project 002 - Jason Wingreen (Voice of Boba Fett)

Just mailed out my request today with a letter, 8x10, & SASE.


Re: TBS Autograph Project 002 - Jason Wingreen (Voice of Boba Fett)

My latest and fastest success is Jason Wingreen, who took only 8 days. He signed and inscribed the photo to me, and included a nice little letter.


New Recruit
Re: TBS Autograph Project 002 - Jason Wingreen (Voice of Boba Fett)

I got a very cool B/W 8x10 today from Mr. Wingreen! Around 30 days total, my second success with the Autograph Projects here! Looking to do more this week!


New Recruit
Re: TBS Autograph Project 002 - Jason Wingreen (Voice of Boba Fett)

I'll post a picture tonight!

Here it is:



All that is man
Re: TBS Autograph Project 002 - Jason Wingreen (Voice of Boba Fett)

I sent 2 index cards to him last week. I'll let you know when I recieve them.


All that is man
Re: TBS Autograph Project 002 - Jason Wingreen (Voice of Boba Fett)

I recieved my index cards back inscribed, as well as an 8x10 he included, today.


Re: TBS Autograph Project 002 - Jason Wingreen (Voice of Boba Fett)

TYPE: Tester Sent Item
WHAT KIND OF ITEM: Four white blank index cards
Mr Wingreen signed and personalized all four index cards. two for me and two for my friend Sandy. He also used my SASE. Great guy!!!! RYAN J.
Date Sent: 1/12/2006 Date Sent: 1/21/2006 Time Taken: 9 days
Submitted By: rj


I am the fool who follows
Re: TBS Autograph Project 002 - Jason Wingreen (Voice of Boba Fett)

Well Bothan Spy, my first TTM auto in three years came back today. I haven't collected TTM for years, but after seeing the Bothan Spy folks at SW Weekends (giving Rick cookies no less!) I checked out the site and found this forum.

Today I got my 8x10 back from Jason. Personalized to me with "As You Wish, Jason Wingreen".

Mailed 6/6/06 to the Teesdale Ave. address
Received 6/12/06
Sent the 8x10 w/a SASE which he used.

Thanks all! I have a ton of requests out so more later.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Re: TBS Autograph Project 002 - Jason Wingreen (Voice of Boba Fett)

Sarasotarockstr said:
I haven't collected TTM for years, but after seeing the Bothan Spy folks at SW Weekends (giving Rick cookies no less!) I checked out the site and found this forum.

i think skellington gave him donuts the day before:cookie:
welcome to the site


Dark Lord of the Typos
Re: TBS Autograph Project 002 - Jason Wingreen (Voice of Boba Fett)

Welcome to the site Sarasotarockstr! Did we actually meet you at SW Weekends, or did you just notice one of our shirts or "accidentally" dropped business cards?

Anyway, glad you found this section. It's hard to get motivated and back into TTM collecting, but it's worth it. :)


I am the fool who follows
Re: TBS Autograph Project 002 - Jason Wingreen (Voice of Boba Fett)

Actually, I was RIGHT BEHIND YOU in the fastpass line to meet Rick McCallum (I think it was Rick). I didn't realize you were THE Bothan Spy people until I saw one of your group put a card for the site near the end of the line for the fast passes...though I did notice the shirt.

Then (naturally) I was a person or two behind you when you actually met Rick and gave him the cookies. Whoever got the shot with Rick where he had one shoved in his mouth - man that must have been priceless!

So nice to meet you now at least. Great site. I'd forgotten the thrill of seeing the SASE in the mailbox and the hunt for IRC's. LOL.

Thanks for helping nudge me back into TTM collecting.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Re: TBS Autograph Project 002 - Jason Wingreen (Voice of Boba Fett)

Sarasotarockstr said:
until I saw one of your group put a card for the site near the end of the line for the fast passes.

ah, the TBS business card easter egg hunt. i beleive we got a bit more creative with the placement(s) of the cards after that. if you had been in front of us, skel would have probably stuck one on you and borsk would have taken a pic:evil:


Dark Lord of the Typos
Re: TBS Autograph Project 002 - Jason Wingreen (Voice of Boba Fett)

Yeah, I was afraid I'd run into that guy in front of us in the line for Rick, but he apparently couldn't come back. :p

Here's our pics with Rick:

Amshak: http://static.flickr.com/53/152509465_903f246091.jpg?v=0
Skel and Wookiee Cookiee: http://static.flickr.com/45/152168710_480667e2a2.jpg?v=0
Alf (& cookie-mouth Rick): http://static.flickr.com/54/152509466_f87fbc9b0f.jpg?v=0
Borsk: http://static.flickr.com/44/152509467_da2c545977.jpg?v=0

I think that pic with Borsk is where Rick was chomping down on the previous cookie and was trying to smile at the same time, but couldn't keep his composure. :D


I am the fool who follows
Re: TBS Autograph Project 002 - Jason Wingreen (Voice of Boba Fett)

HAHAHAHA! Classic. Yeah, I saw all four of those photos being taken. Very cool. Love the Wookie Cookie shot.

Here's my pic with Rick (since we're all sharing).


  • Rick.JPG
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