As usual, please e-mail me at with any trade suggestions. Replying here as well will help keep the list fresh, and would be appreciated, but I will not check here often, hence the e-mail. Thanks!
Scanning Crew Member (just the guy is fine; no scanning box needed)
POTJ Imperial Officers (both faces, 2x each)
POTJ Rebel Troopers (both faces, 2x each)
POTJ TIE Bomber x2
CARDED -- Mint or near-mint much desired
Deluxe Figures (OC/GC)
Gunner Stations
(I am going to value these at $3-$4, having bought my loosened set for $2 each at TRU clearance -- would that I had thought ahead to buy two sets!)
Vader x2
Episode I (MOMC)
Qui-Gon Holograph
Gungan Warriors MOMC x4
Coruscant Guards MOMC x2
Sandtrooper MOMC
Vader -- Emperor's Wrath x2
POTF2 vehicles
Speeder Bikes -- Biker Scout and Leia
POTF2 Figures MOC
Kabe and Muftak
Oola and Crumb
B'Omarr Monk
Orange Card
Yoda -- UK multilingual card
Stormtrooper 4x (one has a small crease above the picture)
Ben Kenobi (upper torso picture; short saber)
Han Solo (little bend in bottom right corner)
Hoth Han (bottom right corner has little bend on both)
Han in Carbonite
Lando Calrissian (3x; one has slight warp to the card; one has a little bend in the bottom right corner)
Princess Leia
Yoda (2x; one has slight bend in bottom right corner; the other has slight warp to the card)
Luke with Grappling Hook and Sabre (card bent a bit)
Green Card -- flaws as noted
holo or picture
Tusken Raider (closed fist)
Royal Guard x2 (holo)
Jawas no holo (slight vertical stress crease under J-hook)
Greedo holo (slight vertical stress crease under J-hook)
Emperor Palpatine (sticker goo on bubble -- could be removed)
Endor Han holo (price sticker goo)
Sandtrooper (slight vertical stress crease under J-hook) x2
Snowtrooper x2 (one has KB sticker; one has slight bend in top right corner)
Saelt Marae (Yak face) holo (horizontal stress crease)
Weequay holo (small bend in lower left corner)
Ponda Baba holo (slight crush to top side of bubble)
Boba Fett holo full circles (crush to sides of bubble)
Bespin Han Solo holo (crush to sides of bubble)
Princess Leia as Jabba's Prisoner holo (slight dent to top side of bubble)
Freeze Frame
FF Ree-Yees x3
FF Ishi Tib
FF 8D8 x2 (one has KB price sticker)
FF Luke Ceremonial
FF Endor Rebel Soldier (slight crush to top side of bubble)
FF Lak Sivrak (KB price sticker; card has pronounced warp)
FB Anakin Skywalker (little bend in tip of J-hook)
FB Luke (small ding in top of bubble)
CT Greedo (slight dent to top side of bubble)
Dash Rendar (price sticker goo)
Chewbacca as Snoova (price sticker goo)
Leia as Boushh
Cinema Scenes (all with some shelf wear; some bubble dings)
Cantina Showdown
Purchase of the Droids
Cantina Aliens
Mos Espa Encounter
Miscellaneous POTF
Hoth Playset (opened, back in box)
Cantina Diorama (MISB; would prefer to keep trooper)
Jabba's Palace Diorama (MISB; would prefer to keep Han and carbonite)
Ronto and Jawa MISB (excellent box)
Episode I Carded
Sio Bibble (UK card)
Yoda (no "Episode 1") x2
Qui-Gon Jedi Duel (with EB price sticker)
Qui-Gon Naboo
Senator Palpatine
Darth Maul Jedi Duel x2
Darth Maul Tatooine x2
Darth Sidious
Mace Windu (one with K-Mart sticker; one "clean")
Battle Droids -- set of four variations
Battle Droids -- clean, shot, dirty
OOM-7 x2 (one with KB sticker, but still neat)
Captain Tarpals (KB sticker, but neat)
Amidala -- Coruscant x2
Amidala -- Naboo (K-Mart price sticker, "win a party" sticker)
Amidala Naboo -- tri-logo
Jar-jar tri-logo
Anakin Tatooine x2
Captain Panaka x2
Rune Haako
Adi Gallia
Destroyer Droid x2
Padme (EB pice sticker, but neat)
Mos Espa Encounter (some sticker goo; seal broken, but figures never removed from base and backing)
Vintage Vehicles:
AT-ST complete (no decals)
AT-ST no top gun (one decal: top hatch)
Speederbike complete (no decals)
Action Fleet Vehicles, still MISB
TIE Fighter (2)
Vader's TIE
TIE Interceptor
TIE Bomber
X-Wing (Jek)
A-Wing (Red)
Scout Walker/AT-ST "Battle Pack"
Series Alpha Cloud Car
Series Alpha Snowspeeder
POTF2 Figures Loose, all with guns and other accessories
Hoth Rebel Solider
Lando Skiff
Bespin Han from Leia 2-pack
Endor Han
Stormtrooper x4
Electronic FX Vader
Tusken Raider
Expanded Universe
Cloud Car (loose, no pilot)
Airspeeder (loose, no pilot)
MicroMachine -- Episode 1
Die Cast Droid Fighter x2
Trade Federation Battleship
Pod Racer Packs 2 and 3
Episode 1 collections 2 and 3
Battlestar Galactica -- loose
Cylons with guns (Silver or Gold leader; most with very minor loss of metallic paint)
Starbuck with cape, but no gun
Buck Rogers figures
Draconian Warriors (excellent condition; one has slight customizing -- painted his hands black to look like gloves)
Black Hole -- all loose
Sentry Robots (2 with their original guns, a third without gun, all in great shape)
Dr. Hans Rhinehart (Reinhardt?)
Kate McCrae
Scanning Crew Member (just the guy is fine; no scanning box needed)
POTJ Imperial Officers (both faces, 2x each)
POTJ Rebel Troopers (both faces, 2x each)
POTJ TIE Bomber x2
CARDED -- Mint or near-mint much desired
Deluxe Figures (OC/GC)
Gunner Stations
(I am going to value these at $3-$4, having bought my loosened set for $2 each at TRU clearance -- would that I had thought ahead to buy two sets!)
Vader x2
Episode I (MOMC)
Qui-Gon Holograph
Gungan Warriors MOMC x4
Coruscant Guards MOMC x2
Sandtrooper MOMC
Vader -- Emperor's Wrath x2
POTF2 vehicles
Speeder Bikes -- Biker Scout and Leia
POTF2 Figures MOC
Kabe and Muftak
Oola and Crumb
B'Omarr Monk
Orange Card
Yoda -- UK multilingual card
Stormtrooper 4x (one has a small crease above the picture)
Ben Kenobi (upper torso picture; short saber)
Han Solo (little bend in bottom right corner)
Hoth Han (bottom right corner has little bend on both)
Han in Carbonite
Lando Calrissian (3x; one has slight warp to the card; one has a little bend in the bottom right corner)
Princess Leia
Yoda (2x; one has slight bend in bottom right corner; the other has slight warp to the card)
Luke with Grappling Hook and Sabre (card bent a bit)
Green Card -- flaws as noted
holo or picture
Tusken Raider (closed fist)
Royal Guard x2 (holo)
Jawas no holo (slight vertical stress crease under J-hook)
Greedo holo (slight vertical stress crease under J-hook)
Emperor Palpatine (sticker goo on bubble -- could be removed)
Endor Han holo (price sticker goo)
Sandtrooper (slight vertical stress crease under J-hook) x2
Snowtrooper x2 (one has KB sticker; one has slight bend in top right corner)
Saelt Marae (Yak face) holo (horizontal stress crease)
Weequay holo (small bend in lower left corner)
Ponda Baba holo (slight crush to top side of bubble)
Boba Fett holo full circles (crush to sides of bubble)
Bespin Han Solo holo (crush to sides of bubble)
Princess Leia as Jabba's Prisoner holo (slight dent to top side of bubble)
Freeze Frame
FF Ree-Yees x3
FF Ishi Tib
FF 8D8 x2 (one has KB price sticker)
FF Luke Ceremonial
FF Endor Rebel Soldier (slight crush to top side of bubble)
FF Lak Sivrak (KB price sticker; card has pronounced warp)
FB Anakin Skywalker (little bend in tip of J-hook)
FB Luke (small ding in top of bubble)
CT Greedo (slight dent to top side of bubble)
Dash Rendar (price sticker goo)
Chewbacca as Snoova (price sticker goo)
Leia as Boushh
Cinema Scenes (all with some shelf wear; some bubble dings)
Cantina Showdown
Purchase of the Droids
Cantina Aliens
Mos Espa Encounter
Miscellaneous POTF
Hoth Playset (opened, back in box)
Cantina Diorama (MISB; would prefer to keep trooper)
Jabba's Palace Diorama (MISB; would prefer to keep Han and carbonite)
Ronto and Jawa MISB (excellent box)
Episode I Carded
Sio Bibble (UK card)
Yoda (no "Episode 1") x2
Qui-Gon Jedi Duel (with EB price sticker)
Qui-Gon Naboo
Senator Palpatine
Darth Maul Jedi Duel x2
Darth Maul Tatooine x2
Darth Sidious
Mace Windu (one with K-Mart sticker; one "clean")
Battle Droids -- set of four variations
Battle Droids -- clean, shot, dirty
OOM-7 x2 (one with KB sticker, but still neat)
Captain Tarpals (KB sticker, but neat)
Amidala -- Coruscant x2
Amidala -- Naboo (K-Mart price sticker, "win a party" sticker)
Amidala Naboo -- tri-logo
Jar-jar tri-logo
Anakin Tatooine x2
Captain Panaka x2
Rune Haako
Adi Gallia
Destroyer Droid x2
Padme (EB pice sticker, but neat)
Mos Espa Encounter (some sticker goo; seal broken, but figures never removed from base and backing)
Vintage Vehicles:
AT-ST complete (no decals)
AT-ST no top gun (one decal: top hatch)
Speederbike complete (no decals)
Action Fleet Vehicles, still MISB
TIE Fighter (2)
Vader's TIE
TIE Interceptor
TIE Bomber
X-Wing (Jek)
A-Wing (Red)
Scout Walker/AT-ST "Battle Pack"
Series Alpha Cloud Car
Series Alpha Snowspeeder
POTF2 Figures Loose, all with guns and other accessories
Hoth Rebel Solider
Lando Skiff
Bespin Han from Leia 2-pack
Endor Han
Stormtrooper x4
Electronic FX Vader
Tusken Raider
Expanded Universe
Cloud Car (loose, no pilot)
Airspeeder (loose, no pilot)
MicroMachine -- Episode 1
Die Cast Droid Fighter x2
Trade Federation Battleship
Pod Racer Packs 2 and 3
Episode 1 collections 2 and 3
Battlestar Galactica -- loose
Cylons with guns (Silver or Gold leader; most with very minor loss of metallic paint)
Starbuck with cape, but no gun
Buck Rogers figures
Draconian Warriors (excellent condition; one has slight customizing -- painted his hands black to look like gloves)
Black Hole -- all loose
Sentry Robots (2 with their original guns, a third without gun, all in great shape)
Dr. Hans Rhinehart (Reinhardt?)
Kate McCrae