Star Wars gaming

Buzz Bumble

Furry Ewok
I made a few tweaks to the Mac side which means the VirtualPC emulator runs slightly faster, so the Windows version of the Dark Forces II game now runs a little bit smoother (still jerky when moving quickly). It's still very diffcult and I have to Save before leaving each room (and often re-load multiple times to kep the health meter high), but I actually managed to finished level 1 and I'm now half-way(?) through level 2 ... without using cheat codes. Surprisingly it hasn't (yet) given me a headache or made me feel seasick, unlike almost every other 3D game I've ever tried playing.

I had to stop playing the Mac version of Dark Forces because it was making me extremely sick after only a few minutes of playing.

I also gave up on Rebel Assault and Rebel Assault II since even the so-called training missions werre uncontrollable and far too hard.

I did finish Pit Droids years ago and nearly finished Droidworks. I have also finished some of the Gameboy Star Wars games.


Dark Lord of the Typos
I love the Dark Forces games. I really need to finish reading the prose versions of them that Dark Horse put out.

I'm the same way....3D gaming makes me moreso than when I was in high school playing Dark Forces for the first time.

I really want to play KOTOR, Republic Commandos, Force Unleashed II, and TOR, but I may just end up watching "movie" versions of them on Youtube. We watched Batman: Arkham Asylum that way....was a great way to get the story without having to buy or play the game.

Buzz Bumble

Furry Ewok
I got stuck in Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight at about level 5 with an impossible (on my slow, jerky emulated Windows computer) quick run and jump across closing bridges. I had to use a cheat code to get past that point, and, with a bit of futher cheating and a walkthrough, I'm now up to level 17 with another impossible quick-run section ... the crashing starship level looks like it would be near impossible on any computer with the way it keeps jumping perspective.

Buzz Bumble

Furry Ewok
I've just finished Dark Forces II ... thanks to a walkthrough and cheating of course (otherwise it would have been impossible, even on a good computer), but the final battle against Jerec was ridiculously easy.

The rail gun fires missiles which when they explode make Jerec jump up and away from you, so getting behind him and keep firing missiles meant that he leapt up and back, and eventually ended up stuck behind one of the statues. When he was so damaged that he needed a recharge, he couldn't get out and I just kept firing all the weapons and ammo I had through the small gap until he was defeated. :rolleyes:

Buzz Bumble

Furry Ewok
Yep, I've got pretty much all the Star Wars games, but either never got around to playing them or they wouldn't run on my computer. Since I had some rare spare time over the Xmas period I tinkered around and got Dark Forces II running well enough to be semi-playable (except when it needs fast moving) under Windows emulation on my ancient Mac (according to a system check with Dark Forces II, the emulator runs as a 100MHz Pentium Windows computer, but in reality it's a bit slower and jerkier than that).

Sitting on the shelf above my computer I've got:
  • Rebel Assault (Mac)
  • Rebel Assault II (Mac)
  • Dark Forces (Mac)
  • Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight (Windows 95)
  • Rebellion (Windows 95)
  • X-Wing (Mac)
  • TIE Fighter (Mac)
  • X-Wing vs TIE Fighter (Windows 95)
  • X-Wing Alliance (Windows 95/98)
  • Rogue Squadron (Windows 95/98)
  • Force Commander (Windows 95/98)
  • The Phantom Menace (Windows 95/98)
  • Battle for Naboo (Windows)
  • Racer (Mac)
  • Pit Droids (Mac & Windows 95/98 dual-format CD)
  • Droidworks (Mac & Windows 95/98 dual-format CD)
  • Behind the Magic
  • Episode I Insider's Guide
In the CD rack under the desk I've got the PlayStation game Demolition (which i did run under emulation years ago, but I can't remember how playable it was). The newer games are in storage boxes in my "Star Wars" cupboards and drawers. :)

To run under emulation, I've also got many of the GameBoy / Gameboy Color / Gameboy Advanced games, the SNES games, Amiga games, C64 games ... some of which I've completed.