Sneak Peek Figures: Detailed Pictures And Review

Ishi Tib

New Recruit

Showing up all over our nation as well as in Canada, the Sneak Peek figures hit retail last week in a surprising move, even before their previously scheduled street date. Online retailers sold them by the truckload in a matter of hours and those with a Toy R Us, Wal-mart or Target store near by rushed to them, attempting to get their hands on these first 4 characters from Attack of the Clones; I can account for that, being one of the lucky ones who found them at my local Wal-Mart store.

There were plenty of them hanging from the pegs but the Clonetrooper seemed to be present in a much lower number than the rest, being this one figure a great army builder.

Taking a close look at these new sculpts, I couldn't help myself but to notice they are fantastically crafted and detailed, even at a higher level than the now previous POTJ figures but, I did notice one big problem concerning the plastic used for their extremities as well as the one used for the weapons which needs immediate correction.


Very soft in nature, the plastic on these figures' hands becomes a real hassle when trying to position the weapons. The Zam Wesell figure for instance was a real headache trying to get her to hold her rifle, and still is. The only way I was able to accomplish this was by wrapping around her right hand and rifle's handle one of those clear rubber bands packaged with the figures until it was tight enough to keep the weapon in place. What happens is that since the rifle's handle is wider than her hand's grip, it needs to be pushed in her hand to make it set in place; since the plastic is so flimsy, her hand will just spread open and will not hold the handle. If in your case, you have the same problem as I had you might have noticed the weapon keeps falling off her right hand unless it is firmly secured.

Another problem dealing with the soft plastic and the Zam Wesell figure specifically, is the articulated right arm biceps. The joint is clearly seen joining the upper and lower parts of her upper arm and it makes the arm swing back and forward loosely at that point.

I encountered also another problem with these figures and as aforementioned, is the naure of the plastic and the weapons. These are very soft and in some instances out of shape, trying to shape them properly by bending the plastic to a correct position will only have you frustrated after seeing it slowly move back to its original "bent" shape.

At the end of the weapons' barrels there are very small pegs where the included blast effects can be attached and this is another noticeable problem. Such pegs are either too short or not thick enough to tightly support the blast effects, which by the way are also made of soft plastic. The end result in many cases when joining the weapon and its corresponding blast effect is very disappointing as the weapon points in one direction while "its fire" loosely points down or to the side.

We do need to keep in mind that the use of soft plastic in great part is due to child safety reasons but again we have been having lightsabers made out of a stronger plastic as well as figures themselves without any problems.

My rant on this soft plastic issue is based on a collector's point of view and therefore the implications of flimsy parts and weapons as far as collecting goes. Hasbro definitely needs to improve on these problems in the very near future or I can truly anticipate there'll be a lot of collectors disappointed as weapons fall down, blast effects twist to the sides and joints move around loosely.

The improvement is simple, by using the sturdy plastic previously used on lightsabers, the blast effects these figures come with as well as their hands and weapons will give collectors a more up to expectations product My only hope is that April's figures will be stronger and that this new line will in fact offer a higher quality than previous ones.


As what the future will be from now on as presentation goes, these cards offer a transitional design taking us from POTJ into the unified look of the future. With this unique wave you will notice:

A) An all new blister, taking practically and entirely covering 75% of the card.
B) The UPC numbers are no longer on the card's back but rather under the blister's bottom.
C) The card's back depicts all 4 characters relating to this wave as well as an introductory writing on Attack of the Clones
D) Gone forever is the Power of the Jedi logo, although its green and yellow starburst scheme as well as the Vader/ Obi-Wan logo are still present.
E) Within the blister there is an insert present which sows the picture of the corresponding character its name and the words: Attack of the clones ... Sneak Preview.

Let's get upclose and personal with this wave ...

Collectors will definitely enjoy the intricate detail of Zam Wesell's outfit where her belt and gadgetry along with the inclusion of a hollow holster, allowing for the placement of her finely detailed pistol are a plus. Her helmet and gaggles, sculpted resting at the top, is impressive as well as her right hand which has been crafted with her index finger ready to hold the trigger. Her rifle with scope has been painted with grace and even features a trigger area that permits the figure to place her finger through it and hold it. This slender figure's face, although basically cover with her tunic, gives us a glance at what Real Scan technology will deliver as far as likeness goes; visible are her blue eyes, top of her nose and eyebrows all very defined and well painted. The blast effect packaged with the figure adds to the overall look, making this character a great addition to one's collection.

The figure has been articulated at: neck, shoulders, right arm's biceps, right arm's wrist, waist and legs. there is a certain prepose with her sculpt but still it leaves room for different poses.


What I like the best about this figure is his armor outfit which even presents scratch marks on his chest plate right side, also his wrist gauntlet has been detailed well, allowing for a clear view of the projectile. The removable backpack has been sculpted clearly showing his missile launcher and the writing on it. Overall the figure has been painted nicely, no overspills or unpainted parts. Both of his guns have also been crafted well showing every detail and allowing for easy placement in his hands. The addition of the removable blast effects, which can also be placed on his backpack's exhaust nozzles recreating fire, surely add on to the overall view of the character.


The figure has been articulated at: neck, shoulders, waist and legs. His stance is definitely an extreme one, having his legs wide apart but the figure holds a nice look even with its limited posing capability.


Despite this one being another Astromech droid, R3-T7 offers two things never before seen on one of these little droids: a blast damage effect and a clear dome. The blast effect is removable allowing for the figure to be displayed with or without it. The clear dome has been crafted meticulously, one's can see the inside of the dome and all the parts within the droids head. Its third and center leg is retractable going in and out of its body with ease. Nicely painted, R3-T7's body offers a yellow and beige scheme, even with slash burn marks on its lower left front side.


The figure has been articulated at: dome, making the familiar clicking sound when it is turned, "shoulders," all three "feet" and top of its retractable leg.


A nice army builder, the Clonetrooper is accessorized with a blaster rifle and blast effect. The rifle offers a detailed sculpt and paint scheme with specs of sliver all over its black components and a brown wood-like handle. Its trigger loop area allows for the figure's right hand index finger to go in it easily. The Clonetrooper's helmet shield has been painted shiny black, reflecting the light and giving a nice glass-like effect. His arms hold the rifle nicely and it could be placed in them without any complications. From his knees down, the armor has been dirtied in brown with some specs of black. More "dirt" has been added to the figure's shoulder pads, belt and hips area.


The figure has been articulated at: neck, shoulders and legs. Not much articulation with this character which in fact would had allowed for a better array of poses if al least it would had come with an articulated waist.

Scroll down the page and check out the detailed pictures of this first wave featuring some of the first ever released characters from Attack of the Clones. Enjoy!

Until next time ...

<center>Ishi Tib</center>

Ishi Tib

New Recruit


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New Recruit
I picked up four of the clonetroopers. I noticed that they are a bit smaller than the CTC stormtroopers, which seems a little odd to me.

I also noticed that the paint applied for the dirt isn't the same for figure to figure. The legs are all pretty close but parts like the arms are all different. A couple of the figures have similar paint jobs while the others will have a lot of paint or none at all. Maybe its just the ones I got though..........