I would like to sell to buy vintage stuff, but I will consider trades for vinties.
$85.00 buys them all. No card has damage. Minor imperfections. They are all between c7.5 to c9.
Wuher .0100
Motti .0000
Leia Hoth .00
Qui-Gon Jedi Master .0000
Holo Sidious .0000
Maul apprentice .0400
Scout trooper .0400
Battle droid boomer .0400
Lando Bespin .0300
Jar Jar Tatooine .0400
Tessek .0400
Chewie chess .0000
Ship it any way you want. $10.00 U.S., USPS Priority mail. May be a little less for first class. Insurance $1.10, Delivery Confirmation $1.10. Canadians & Europeans, will have to send me your address so I can figure out the shipping.
I'd like to get $200 for the whole set.
I'll personally deliver in New England. We can work out a cheap shipping method for out side of NE.
Naboo Royal Security = collection 2/99’ 562931.0000
00m-9 w/blaster and binoculars = collection 3/98’ 561429.0000
destroyer droid = collection 2/98’ 560435.0000
C3PO = collection 2/98’ 558550.0100
Mace Windu = collection 3/98’ 558990.0100
Watto = collection 2/98’ 558547.0100
Obi-Wan Kenobi = collection 1(naboo) /99’ 562051.0100
Ki-adi-mundi = collection 3/98’ 558999.0000
Yoda = collection 2/98’ 561172.0000
Adi Gallia = collection 3/99’ 562934.0000
Darth Maul = collection 1/99’562054.0100
Darth Sidious = collection 2/98’ 558544.00
Jar Jar Binks = collection 1/98’558443.0100
Qui-Gon Jinn (naboo) = collection 1/99’562048.0100
Darth Maul (jedi duel) = collection 1/98’ 558452.0100
Battle Droid (sand) = collection 1/98’ 558449.0100
Queen Amidala (coruscant) 99’ 562042.0100
R2-D2 w/booster = collection 1/98’ 560441.0000
Ric olie w/helmet and naboo blaster = collection 2/98’ 558538.00
Chancellor valorum w/staff = collection 3/98’ 559003.0000
Senator Palpatine w/cam droid = collection 2/98’ 558541.0100
Boss Nass = collection 3/98’ 558996.0000
Nute Gunray= collection 2/99’ 560438.0000
Rune Haako= collection 2/99’ 561175.0000
Ody Mandrell w/ Otoga 222 pit droid= collection 3/98’ 561423.0100
Captain Panaka= collection 2/99’ 562928.0000
Captain Tarpals= collection 3/98’ 561426.0100
Anakin Skywalker (Naboo) = collection 1/99’ 562045.0100
Darth Sidious (holographic) = collection 2/99’ 563967.0000
Naboo Royal Guard= collection 2/99’ 563970.0000
Gasgano w/pit droid=collection 3/98’ 558993.0200
Battle Droid (dirty w/ Damage) =collection 1/98’ 558449.0200
Battle Droid (damage) =collection 1/98’ 558449.0200
Battle Droid (clean) =collection 1/98’ 558449.0200
Darth Maul w/ saber w/removable blade=collection 1/99’ 563964.0000
Amidala(Naboo)&Qui-Gon (Jedi duel) 99’ 562694.0000-562860.0000
Padme&Obi-Wan 99’ 562694.0000-562698.0000
Anakin Skywalker 98’ 558437.00
Darth Maul Tatooine tri-logo French 99’ c-031d
Darth Maul Jedi Duel tri-logo French 98’ c-031a
Anakin Skywalker German Euro 99’ c-031d
Queen Amidala w/battle droid Euro 99’ c-031d
Qui-Gon Jinn Jedi Duel 98’ 558431.0100
Anakin Tatooine Canadian english 98’
Watto Canadian french 98’
Amidala Coruscant Canadian french 99’
Amidala Naboo Canadian english 98’
Yoda Euro 1999/84086.100
Obi-Wan Naboo 1999 French
C-3PO 1998 French
Anakin 1998 Tatooine French
Jar Jar 1998 French
Battle droid 1998 French
Queen Amidala (battle)w/acension gun
Destroyer Droid (battle damage) 1999/566976.0000
R2-B1 w/power harness 1999/566157.0100
Sio Bibble w/blaster 1999/567750.0000
TC-14 Protocol Droid 1999/566160.0100
Accessory Sets
1-Underwater 1998
I'm selling all of the items below for $105.00.
I will delivery if you live in New England. We can find a cheap shipping method if you live out of NE.
Cinema Scenes
Tatooine Showdown 1999’563308.0000=$10
Mos Espa Encounter 1999’562716.0000=$10
Play Sets
Jabba w/2-headed announcer 99’ c-078a Euro=$30
Armored scout tank w/battle droid 99’ 565940.0100=$25
Gungan assault cannon w/Jar Jar 99’ 565943.0000=$6
Sebulba’s Pod Racer w/Sebulba 98’ 558750.0200=$20
Anakin’s Pod Racer w/Anakin 98’ 558747.0200=$20
Gungan Scout Sub W/Obi-Wan 99’ 567700.0000=$8
Kaadu & Jar Jar 1998’558588.00=$10
I'd like to get rid of everything below.
$300 for it all. that's about $5 a fig.
Only problem is shipping. It's ok if you live in New England, no shipping needed. I'm sure we can find a cheap shipping method.
Collection 1
1-Obi-Wan Kenobi-Jedi 2000/571091.0000
1-Anakin Skywalker 2000/571090.0000
1-Darth Maul 2000/571091.0000
1-R2D2 2000/571091.0000
2-Coruscant Guard 2000/571101.0000 1 is .0400
1-Mas Amedda 2000/571101.0000
1-Security Battle Droid 2000/571100.0000
4-Tusken Raider 2000/571101.0000 2 are .0300 1/.0400
3-Gui-Gon Jinn 2000/571091.0000
1-Leia Organa General 2000/571090.0000
1-Han Solo Bespin Capture 2000/571090.0100
1-Jek Porkins X-wing pilot 2000/571100.0100
1-Sebulba Boonta Eve Challenge 2000/571100.0100
1-Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi Jedi Knight 2000/571090.0100
2-Boss Nass Gungan Sacred Place 2000/571101.0000
1-Darth Vader Dagobah 2000/571090.0100
1-Fode & Beed Podrace announcers 2000/571100.0100
5-Gungan Warrior 2000/571100.0100 1 is .0000
1-Battle Droid Boomer Damage 2000/571090.0100
1-Aurra Sing 2000/571090.0300
1-Leia Bespin 2000/571090.0300
1-Chewbacca Mech 2000/571090.0300
1-Darth Maul Sith Apprentice 2000/571091.0300 .0400
Collection 2
1-K-3PO 2000/571100.0100
1-Mon Calamari officer 2000/571100.0100Pending sale
1-Plo Koon Jedi Master 2000/571101.0100
1-IG-88 bounty hunter 2000/571100.0100
1-Queen Amidala Theed Invasion2000/571101.0300
1-Saesee Tiin Jedi Master 2000/571101.0300
1-Tessek 2000/571100.0300
1-R2-Q5 2000/571101.0400
1-Lando Calrissian Bespin Escape 2000571100.0300
1-Jar Jar Binks Tatooine 2000/571100.0300
1-Obi-Wan Cold Weather 2000/571090.0300
1-Qui-Gon Jinn Jedi Training 2000/571091.0400
1-Sandtrooper 2000/571090.0400
1-Scout Trooper dirty 2000/571090.0400
1-Sabe 2000/571100.0400
1-Ketwol 2000/571101.0400
1-Bespin Guards 2000/571100.0400
1-Ellors Madak 2000/571100.0400
1-Boba Fett 300th 2000/571274.0100 -$15
1-Boba Fett 300th 2000/571274.0200 -$15
I'd like to get rid of everything below.
$250 for it all. that's about $2 a fig and $5 for the bigger items.
Only problem is shipping. It's ok if you live in New England, no shipping needed. I'm sure we can find a cheap shipping method.
Power Of The Force
green card non-holographic foil
Collection 3
Ponda Baba W/blaster rifle 1996/540903.01
Emperor’s Royal Gaurd W/force pike
Boba Fett 1997/526520.03
Power Of The Force green carded freeze-frame
Collection 1
5-Hoth Rebel Soldiers 1997/538004.03
1-Obi-Wan Kenobi 1997/521791.04
4-Luke Skywalker in Stormtrooper suit 1997/535181.04
1-Han Solo in Endor gear 1997/538957.02
1-Luke Skywalker W/blast-shield helmet 1997/551746.00
1-Leia W/blaster & long-pistol 1997/551737.00
2-Bespin Luke W/detatchable hand 1997/547092.01
1-Princess Leia Ewok ceremonial outfit 1997/547095.01
4-Han Solo in carbonite W/block 1997/532826.05
1-Luke Skywalker in ceremonial outfit 1997/540895.01
1-Bespin Han Solo W/assault rifle 1997/542913.03
1-Chewbacca as Boushh’s bounty 1998/553856.00
1-Orrimaarko(Prune Face) 1998/553850.00
1-Princess Leia as Jabbas Prisoner 1997/542899.02
1-Lando in Generals gear 1997/547101.01
1-Lando Skiff guard 1997/538961.02
20-Endor Rebel soldier 1997/547098.01
1-R2D2 w/spring-loaded 1997/551740.00
1-C-3PO W/cargo net 1997/551743.00
1-Mon Mothma 1998/553853.00
1-Lobot 1998/553847.00
0-Rebel Fleet Trooper 1997/540905.02Sold
Collection 2
1-EV-9D9 W/datapad 1997/542919.01
1-8D8 W/droid branding 1998/551749.00
2-Ugnaughts 1998/551752.00
Collection 3
Vader w/ detachable hand
Power Of The Force green card flashback photo
1-Hoth Chewbacca W/bowcaster 1998/557536.00
1-Hoth Chewbacca Canadian
1-C-3PO W/removable arm 1998/560229.0000
1-Princess Leia ceremonial dress W/medal 1998/557528.01
1-Aunt Beru 1998/560232.0000sold
1-Luke Skywalker W/rifle & electrobinoculars 1998/557524.00
1-Obi-Wan Kenobi 1998/557526.00
1-Anakin Skywalker 1998/560226.0000
1-Darth Vader 1998/557538.00
1-R2D2 W/launching lightsaber 1998/557534.01
Power Of The Force commtech
1-Luke Skywalker W/T-16 Skyhopper 1999/563214.0000
1-Han Solo 1999/563226.0000
9-Jawa W/Gonk droid 1999/563217.0000
1-Greedo 1999/563223.0000
1-Darth Vader W/interrogation droid 1999/564868.0000
3-Wuher 1999/566864.0100
Princess Leia Collection
W/ Wicket the Ewok 1997/549376.00
W/Han Solo 1997/549373.01
W/R2D2 1997/549367.00
W/Luke Skywalker 1997/549370.01
Complete Galaxy
Each $10
Dagoba W/Yoda
Deathstar W/Darth Vader 1998/551392.00
Tatooine W/Luke Skywalker 1998/555996.00
Endor W/Ewok 1998/556001.01
$85.00 buys them all. No card has damage. Minor imperfections. They are all between c7.5 to c9.
Wuher .0100
Motti .0000
Leia Hoth .00
Qui-Gon Jedi Master .0000
Holo Sidious .0000
Maul apprentice .0400
Scout trooper .0400
Battle droid boomer .0400
Lando Bespin .0300
Jar Jar Tatooine .0400
Tessek .0400
Chewie chess .0000
Ship it any way you want. $10.00 U.S., USPS Priority mail. May be a little less for first class. Insurance $1.10, Delivery Confirmation $1.10. Canadians & Europeans, will have to send me your address so I can figure out the shipping.
I'd like to get $200 for the whole set.
I'll personally deliver in New England. We can work out a cheap shipping method for out side of NE.
Naboo Royal Security = collection 2/99’ 562931.0000
00m-9 w/blaster and binoculars = collection 3/98’ 561429.0000
destroyer droid = collection 2/98’ 560435.0000
C3PO = collection 2/98’ 558550.0100
Mace Windu = collection 3/98’ 558990.0100
Watto = collection 2/98’ 558547.0100
Obi-Wan Kenobi = collection 1(naboo) /99’ 562051.0100
Ki-adi-mundi = collection 3/98’ 558999.0000
Yoda = collection 2/98’ 561172.0000
Adi Gallia = collection 3/99’ 562934.0000
Darth Maul = collection 1/99’562054.0100
Darth Sidious = collection 2/98’ 558544.00
Jar Jar Binks = collection 1/98’558443.0100
Qui-Gon Jinn (naboo) = collection 1/99’562048.0100
Darth Maul (jedi duel) = collection 1/98’ 558452.0100
Battle Droid (sand) = collection 1/98’ 558449.0100
Queen Amidala (coruscant) 99’ 562042.0100
R2-D2 w/booster = collection 1/98’ 560441.0000
Ric olie w/helmet and naboo blaster = collection 2/98’ 558538.00
Chancellor valorum w/staff = collection 3/98’ 559003.0000
Senator Palpatine w/cam droid = collection 2/98’ 558541.0100
Boss Nass = collection 3/98’ 558996.0000
Nute Gunray= collection 2/99’ 560438.0000
Rune Haako= collection 2/99’ 561175.0000
Ody Mandrell w/ Otoga 222 pit droid= collection 3/98’ 561423.0100
Captain Panaka= collection 2/99’ 562928.0000
Captain Tarpals= collection 3/98’ 561426.0100
Anakin Skywalker (Naboo) = collection 1/99’ 562045.0100
Darth Sidious (holographic) = collection 2/99’ 563967.0000
Naboo Royal Guard= collection 2/99’ 563970.0000
Gasgano w/pit droid=collection 3/98’ 558993.0200
Battle Droid (dirty w/ Damage) =collection 1/98’ 558449.0200
Battle Droid (damage) =collection 1/98’ 558449.0200
Battle Droid (clean) =collection 1/98’ 558449.0200
Darth Maul w/ saber w/removable blade=collection 1/99’ 563964.0000
Amidala(Naboo)&Qui-Gon (Jedi duel) 99’ 562694.0000-562860.0000
Padme&Obi-Wan 99’ 562694.0000-562698.0000
Anakin Skywalker 98’ 558437.00
Darth Maul Tatooine tri-logo French 99’ c-031d
Darth Maul Jedi Duel tri-logo French 98’ c-031a
Anakin Skywalker German Euro 99’ c-031d
Queen Amidala w/battle droid Euro 99’ c-031d
Qui-Gon Jinn Jedi Duel 98’ 558431.0100
Anakin Tatooine Canadian english 98’
Watto Canadian french 98’
Amidala Coruscant Canadian french 99’
Amidala Naboo Canadian english 98’
Yoda Euro 1999/84086.100
Obi-Wan Naboo 1999 French
C-3PO 1998 French
Anakin 1998 Tatooine French
Jar Jar 1998 French
Battle droid 1998 French
Queen Amidala (battle)w/acension gun
Destroyer Droid (battle damage) 1999/566976.0000
R2-B1 w/power harness 1999/566157.0100
Sio Bibble w/blaster 1999/567750.0000
TC-14 Protocol Droid 1999/566160.0100
Accessory Sets
1-Underwater 1998
I'm selling all of the items below for $105.00.
I will delivery if you live in New England. We can find a cheap shipping method if you live out of NE.
Cinema Scenes
Tatooine Showdown 1999’563308.0000=$10
Mos Espa Encounter 1999’562716.0000=$10
Play Sets
Jabba w/2-headed announcer 99’ c-078a Euro=$30
Armored scout tank w/battle droid 99’ 565940.0100=$25
Gungan assault cannon w/Jar Jar 99’ 565943.0000=$6
Sebulba’s Pod Racer w/Sebulba 98’ 558750.0200=$20
Anakin’s Pod Racer w/Anakin 98’ 558747.0200=$20
Gungan Scout Sub W/Obi-Wan 99’ 567700.0000=$8
Kaadu & Jar Jar 1998’558588.00=$10
I'd like to get rid of everything below.
$300 for it all. that's about $5 a fig.
Only problem is shipping. It's ok if you live in New England, no shipping needed. I'm sure we can find a cheap shipping method.
Collection 1
1-Obi-Wan Kenobi-Jedi 2000/571091.0000
1-Anakin Skywalker 2000/571090.0000
1-Darth Maul 2000/571091.0000
1-R2D2 2000/571091.0000
2-Coruscant Guard 2000/571101.0000 1 is .0400
1-Mas Amedda 2000/571101.0000
1-Security Battle Droid 2000/571100.0000
4-Tusken Raider 2000/571101.0000 2 are .0300 1/.0400
3-Gui-Gon Jinn 2000/571091.0000
1-Leia Organa General 2000/571090.0000
1-Han Solo Bespin Capture 2000/571090.0100
1-Jek Porkins X-wing pilot 2000/571100.0100
1-Sebulba Boonta Eve Challenge 2000/571100.0100
1-Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi Jedi Knight 2000/571090.0100
2-Boss Nass Gungan Sacred Place 2000/571101.0000
1-Darth Vader Dagobah 2000/571090.0100
1-Fode & Beed Podrace announcers 2000/571100.0100
5-Gungan Warrior 2000/571100.0100 1 is .0000
1-Battle Droid Boomer Damage 2000/571090.0100
1-Aurra Sing 2000/571090.0300
1-Leia Bespin 2000/571090.0300
1-Chewbacca Mech 2000/571090.0300
1-Darth Maul Sith Apprentice 2000/571091.0300 .0400
Collection 2
1-K-3PO 2000/571100.0100
1-Mon Calamari officer 2000/571100.0100Pending sale
1-Plo Koon Jedi Master 2000/571101.0100
1-IG-88 bounty hunter 2000/571100.0100
1-Queen Amidala Theed Invasion2000/571101.0300
1-Saesee Tiin Jedi Master 2000/571101.0300
1-Tessek 2000/571100.0300
1-R2-Q5 2000/571101.0400
1-Lando Calrissian Bespin Escape 2000571100.0300
1-Jar Jar Binks Tatooine 2000/571100.0300
1-Obi-Wan Cold Weather 2000/571090.0300
1-Qui-Gon Jinn Jedi Training 2000/571091.0400
1-Sandtrooper 2000/571090.0400
1-Scout Trooper dirty 2000/571090.0400
1-Sabe 2000/571100.0400
1-Ketwol 2000/571101.0400
1-Bespin Guards 2000/571100.0400
1-Ellors Madak 2000/571100.0400
1-Boba Fett 300th 2000/571274.0100 -$15
1-Boba Fett 300th 2000/571274.0200 -$15
I'd like to get rid of everything below.
$250 for it all. that's about $2 a fig and $5 for the bigger items.
Only problem is shipping. It's ok if you live in New England, no shipping needed. I'm sure we can find a cheap shipping method.
Power Of The Force
green card non-holographic foil
Collection 3
Ponda Baba W/blaster rifle 1996/540903.01
Emperor’s Royal Gaurd W/force pike
Boba Fett 1997/526520.03
Power Of The Force green carded freeze-frame
Collection 1
5-Hoth Rebel Soldiers 1997/538004.03
1-Obi-Wan Kenobi 1997/521791.04
4-Luke Skywalker in Stormtrooper suit 1997/535181.04
1-Han Solo in Endor gear 1997/538957.02
1-Luke Skywalker W/blast-shield helmet 1997/551746.00
1-Leia W/blaster & long-pistol 1997/551737.00
2-Bespin Luke W/detatchable hand 1997/547092.01
1-Princess Leia Ewok ceremonial outfit 1997/547095.01
4-Han Solo in carbonite W/block 1997/532826.05
1-Luke Skywalker in ceremonial outfit 1997/540895.01
1-Bespin Han Solo W/assault rifle 1997/542913.03
1-Chewbacca as Boushh’s bounty 1998/553856.00
1-Orrimaarko(Prune Face) 1998/553850.00
1-Princess Leia as Jabbas Prisoner 1997/542899.02
1-Lando in Generals gear 1997/547101.01
1-Lando Skiff guard 1997/538961.02
20-Endor Rebel soldier 1997/547098.01
1-R2D2 w/spring-loaded 1997/551740.00
1-C-3PO W/cargo net 1997/551743.00
1-Mon Mothma 1998/553853.00
1-Lobot 1998/553847.00
0-Rebel Fleet Trooper 1997/540905.02Sold
Collection 2
1-EV-9D9 W/datapad 1997/542919.01
1-8D8 W/droid branding 1998/551749.00
2-Ugnaughts 1998/551752.00
Collection 3
Vader w/ detachable hand
Power Of The Force green card flashback photo
1-Hoth Chewbacca W/bowcaster 1998/557536.00
1-Hoth Chewbacca Canadian
1-C-3PO W/removable arm 1998/560229.0000
1-Princess Leia ceremonial dress W/medal 1998/557528.01
1-Aunt Beru 1998/560232.0000sold
1-Luke Skywalker W/rifle & electrobinoculars 1998/557524.00
1-Obi-Wan Kenobi 1998/557526.00
1-Anakin Skywalker 1998/560226.0000
1-Darth Vader 1998/557538.00
1-R2D2 W/launching lightsaber 1998/557534.01
Power Of The Force commtech
1-Luke Skywalker W/T-16 Skyhopper 1999/563214.0000
1-Han Solo 1999/563226.0000
9-Jawa W/Gonk droid 1999/563217.0000
1-Greedo 1999/563223.0000
1-Darth Vader W/interrogation droid 1999/564868.0000
3-Wuher 1999/566864.0100
Princess Leia Collection
W/ Wicket the Ewok 1997/549376.00
W/Han Solo 1997/549373.01
W/R2D2 1997/549367.00
W/Luke Skywalker 1997/549370.01
Complete Galaxy
Each $10
Dagoba W/Yoda
Deathstar W/Darth Vader 1998/551392.00
Tatooine W/Luke Skywalker 1998/555996.00
Endor W/Ewok 1998/556001.01