There are a few things that could be causing the slowness. The new page
is more graphically intense, however I suspect that there may be other reasons for the slowness you're experiencing.
I have a few ideas on how to fix this, but you could help me out by telling me:
1) how fast your computer is: processor speed, memory, that sort of thing
2) What browser do you use?
3) how fast your internet connection is
Keep in mind that just because you (I'm assuming) have a 56K modem doesn't mean that you're connecting at speeds in that range. It's not uncommon to have a phone line that sucks and will only let you connect at, say, 28.8K.
If you could
e-mail this information back to me, it will help. I may be able to make some adjustments that will speed things up for you.
Part 2:
I have a plan for presenting the news in a format that's fit for skimming, but I haven't had time to do it yet. I think you'll be happy with the results (once I get it going).