New Addresses for Unlisted Names


Dark Lord of the Typos
Hi all. In an effort to help organize our ever-growing Autograph Section, the New Address thread has arrived. If you know a successful address for someone who does not already have a project, and you would like to share it everyone, please post it here.

This might serve as a waiting list for Projects....helping to keep new ones lined up. :D Realistically...all anyone needs to send a request is a working address. Our projects strive to go beyond that and provide background information, weblinks, and other pertinent info in a thread exclusive to each actor.

Also...if someone posts a success and you want to request that addy....this would be a good place to do that. ;)


Alan Ruscoe (Ep. I - Plo Koon/Bib Foruna/Daultay Dofine)

Alan Ruscoe
c/o Kingsway House
attn: Felix de Wolfe
103 Kingsway

Date Sent: 5/13/05
Date Received: 5/23/05

Received my 8x10 ISP and my 4x6 ISP. Additionally, received a 2-page handwritten letter as well as three 8x10 of his own!


Carrie Fisher (Ep. IV thru VI - Princess Leia)

Carrie Fisher
c/o Carrie Fisher Autograph Request
DR Studios
6514 Lankershim Boulevard
North Hollywood, CA 91606-2409

Sent: 5/31/05
Received: 7/25/05

Received both my 8x10 ISP.

* NOTE - there has been some debate over whether or not these are secretarial. I have compared to my in-person autograph and can't tell much of a difference if any.
What a wondeful today.I got 4 successes:eek:

One of them was Femi Taylor (Oola).Took 110 days.I remember I sent her 1 Evolution trading card,1 widevision trading,1 ccg & 1 index card.What she returned was 2 ccg cards & 1 index card.Maybe she was messed up with other fan mails.Still a great success!!!:p

Here is the address I used:

c/o Paul Telford Mgnt.
23 Noel St.
London, W1V 3RD

You can see other 3 success in its own thread:cool:
Femi pic:p
Today got success from Jack Mckenzie (Cal Alder).He signed me 3 trading cards,1 ccg & 1 index card.Took 31 days.Using the following address:

c/o Adrian King Assocites
33 Marlborough Mansions
Cannon Hill
London, NW6 1JS

Will post pic later:cool:


I am the fool who follows
Great addition to the site.

Here are my contributions...

1) Tom Kane, Voice of Yoda in the "Clone Wars" cartoons

Received both of my photos back signed and personalized.

c/o CESD
Youth Talent Division
10635 Santa Monica Blvd, # 140
Los Angeles, CA 90025

2) Carrie Fisher

Wrote to her care of her play. Appears to be a valid addy still - but I'd google it first before sending anything special. Note- I'm the first person on StarTiger to have a success with this address...I wrote a very heartfelt, handwritten note. Maybe that helped?

c/o Wishful Drinking
The Geffen Playhouse
10886 Le Conte Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90024


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Heres the address I used for Jack Thompson

My success took around 2 weeks from UK to AUS and back

June Cann Management
118 Oxford St


jedicouncil;73726 said:
Heres the address I used for Jack Thompson

My success took around 2 weeks from UK to AUS and back

June Cann Management
118 Oxford St

Awesome! I'll be getting my letter out soon!



Dark Lord of the Typos
In another thread the question was asked about a valid addy for Peter Serafinowicz (voice of Darth Maul). Whil thiere is no current successful addy for him..a new one has surfaced.

Peter Serafinowicz
c/o Troika
3rd Floor
74 Clerkenwell Road
United Kingdom

this addy is new as of February 2007 and has 2 pending successes yet.

As of 2006 he is not with PFD or Talkback Mgt.

The following addy is old and untested at my source:

c/o Calypso Voices
25-26 Poland St.
London W1V 3DB
United Kingdom

Peter is notoriously hard to get.


New Recruit
I tried Peter Serafinowicz several times, but he never replied. I won't waste postage for Funky Pete anymore.


No I've not heard back yet :( , But there's always hope he'll get to my letter eventually! :D



New Recruit
FOund an address for Bob Bergen. He did the voice of Luke Skywalker in several Star Wars video games. I sent an index card and got a very quick response (8 - 10 days)

Bob Bergen
19528 Ventura Blvd., #148
Tarzana, CA 91356
jedibill;81526 said:
FOund an address for Bob Bergen. He did the voice of Luke Skywalker in several Star Wars video games. I sent an index card and got a very quick response (8 - 10 days)

Bob Bergen
19528 Ventura Blvd., #148
Tarzana, CA 91356

I think he also did the voice of Gasgano.I sent him on May last year,still waiting.I think it's time to send him again;)


Your little green friend
Im looking for an address for Cully Frederickson, aka Rahm Kota from TFU. Fanbiz, Wattographs and Google came up empty. Any idea where else to look? Also, came across an address for Matt Sloan aka Plo Koon, that was different than the address on Wattographs. Matt did the voice for Vader in the FU game. Ill let you know if its a success ASAP.