My money your figures


New Recruit
I need a few things to knock out my modern collection....

Wato's Box
Pit Droids
Sio Bibble
B'omarrr Monk
Death Star Escape Cinema Scene

All can be loose except for Death Star Escape

I also could use some loose Expanded Universe guys. I have all of them carded but only Thrawn and Luke loose.



Visit vacation paradise!
Your Money..My Pocket

Redleader: I have boxed; Wattos Box, Death Star Escape. Also have Mynock Hunt, Rebel Pilots, Skiff Guards if you need.
Send me mail with offer! We can discuss. Deathstar


New Recruit
I've been on a roll these last few days. All I need now is Rorworr and I might just go get him from the bookstore. I still could use some EU guys though.

Deathstar- I'll contact you soon. Your Cinema Scenes have caught my eye!

Pitbull- Thanks for trying to help me out, but I picked him up Sunday.


New Recruit
Zbpim- mail coming your way.

Deathstar- Your email here isn't public so I got it from the jawa..hope it's a good one!


New Recruit
Deathstar did you get my email? I think that is the address I sent it to. If I need to resend it let me know!:angel:


Visit vacation paradise!
I'm here!

Redleader: Thanks for the Mail. Just lickin my chops over your Trades Haves List. Get back soon on what I'm looking for...once I figure it out! Need a day or two.:sleep: