Kubrick Speederbike Giveaway


Senior Moderator
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Another Giveaway from R2DTOYS?
r2dtoys wanted me to pass on that they will have a 'surprise' in store and on the website as well this weekend. They also wanted to offer another giveaway. Click here to find out the details.



Senior Moderator
Staff member

Win a Kubrick Speederbike, sponsored by r2dtoys.

You may register for this contest by sending us an e-mail, including your first and last name in the subject line. You may only register once. Duplicate entries will disqualify ALL entries. The winner will be announced in the Espionage Report and you willl have one week to claim their prize.

You must also be registered in r2dtoys mailing list to win. You can do that by clicking here.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
WC - The Kubrick Speeder Bike is a Lego. I have never gotten into the Lego side of the hobby so I can't really tell you much more than that.

Max One - Sure we woud like to hear ideas for some games, but we should have a new game starting this week and I have an idea for another game for the future. I will give every one a days notice before I start the new one.

max one

New Recruit
thanx AmShak wasn't to sure if you had any ideas on hand , but if i come up w/ a good one i'll let you know. i'll also be waiting for your new game to start.


Staff member
I like the games better because the people who actually participate in the forum have a better chance to win than those who just send in an e-mail for the giveaways. :D

I like how ppl come out of the woodwork for the games, I hope they visit other times too though.

max one

New Recruit
i agree, even though the pod race was basically the first game i had played online. i still had a great time and will continue to have fun.:D


Senior Moderator
Staff member
One problem with the games, is that the sponsors aren't as excited about sponsoring a game as they are a "general" giveaway. I have restructured our agreements with most of the sponsors so that they will be providing prizes for the forum games. The other problem with the games, is that when a person or people jump out to big leads, the people who have not done so well, quit. I plan on changing it in the future to where there is a prize for the best score and the worst. I think this should keep everyone involved. The prizes for the forum games will probably never be anything too big, it's more about the game than it is about the actual prize... but you gotta win something and we will do our best to make the prizes as good as we can.
I have ideas for two more games. After we play those, I'll put up a poll or something for which ones you liked best and we'll play them again, unless we keep coming up with new ideas for more games.