Unscramble each of the clue words.
Copy the letters in the numbered cells to other cells with the same number.
You must email me all the clue words AND the final message and have them be correct to be eligible to win. Please private message your entry with Holiday SpecialDouble Puzzle in the subject line to: wookiee_cookiee. Entries must be received by 12:01am EST December 25, 2006 .
One winner will receive a set of Cantina BandBust-Ups provided by John's Toys.
Oh joy, I had forgotten about this contest and was resigned to getting no bonus Christmas gift. And I'm not all that interested in autographs as a general rule, so this worked out well. Thanks. PM forthcoming.
On another note, I can't believe I actually remembered all these clue words from the one time I managed to sit through the Holiday Special.