Buzz Bumble
Furry Ewok
According to various Box Office figures (up to 12 February, the weekend after its release), Episode I 3D was:
BUT here in New Zealand the number of cinema sessions was already dropping dramatically less than a week after the movie's release and there are now about the same sessions as for the older Tintin movie (although that has been badly over-hyped thanks to being a movie by the national "hero" Peter Jackson). 2D sessions were available briefly at one cinema chain, but are now non-existant). It probably hasn't helped that the schools started back for the new year the week before the movie's release, plus the price of a 3D cinema ticket - even more over-bloated than normal 2D tickets.
With the exception of three website competitions for tickets / prize packs, an occasional TV promo advert, and a special event for a Preview Screening ticket release, there's been very little promotion here at all. The Hasbro toys on the other hand were quickly filling toy store shelves (although now where near the amount there was for the original Episode I release).
I've been too busy to go and see it yet - hopefully I'll get time on Monday afternoon, but I might miss out entirely (as I did for the last two of the Special Edition releases)
- no. 5 in New Zealand
- no. 4 in America
- no. 3 in the United Kingdom
BUT here in New Zealand the number of cinema sessions was already dropping dramatically less than a week after the movie's release and there are now about the same sessions as for the older Tintin movie (although that has been badly over-hyped thanks to being a movie by the national "hero" Peter Jackson). 2D sessions were available briefly at one cinema chain, but are now non-existant). It probably hasn't helped that the schools started back for the new year the week before the movie's release, plus the price of a 3D cinema ticket - even more over-bloated than normal 2D tickets.
With the exception of three website competitions for tickets / prize packs, an occasional TV promo advert, and a special event for a Preview Screening ticket release, there's been very little promotion here at all. The Hasbro toys on the other hand were quickly filling toy store shelves (although now where near the amount there was for the original Episode I release).
I've been too busy to go and see it yet - hopefully I'll get time on Monday afternoon, but I might miss out entirely (as I did for the last two of the Special Edition releases)