I'm not so fond of Dermul because he has in the past been known to have sold bogus autographs (who would actually have multiple Natalie Portman SW autos and sell them??), he's also been observed on eBay buying fakes from a well known seller of fakes as weel.star_wars_fan said:Thanks for both replies. Good to know your thoughts on the Bounty Hunter, he seems like a great guy and I've ordered two items so I'm that much more excited now. Any help with Wattographs would be much appreciated, I sent an email explaining the problem but hadn't heard back at the time of this post.
I tried a couple of free screenshot utilities from Tucows but haven't had anything that works. Everything shows a black picture when I try a screenshot from ROTS. Any suggested apps?
I've been going through the posts and I must say, this site IS AMAZING!! I'll make sure and share my efforts as well --- it's what makes it all possible after all. Thanks to all...keep it up and have a great one!
- MJ
I would suggest using PowerDVD to take screenshots.
As for sharing your efforts, please do so over at the Wattographs Database as well. Because without user participation and cooperation, people are just leeching the system and using it to only benefit themselves, which is something that Gary X at Wattographs has said that if it's going to be leached there's no point to keeping the database public and free. So support the communtity by also posting there.