Dark Lord of the Typos

Mr. Gagliano has worked with Lucasfilm since Temple of Doom, and has been involved with numerous well-known movies. He currently works for Fox. He took part in the restoration of the original trilogy, ad was the post-production executive for all three Star Wars Special Editions, and is credited with Special Thanks in Attack of the Clones. In the A New Hope – Special Edition, he played the Sandtrooper with the binoculars.
You can check out Mr. Gagliano’s IMDB page here: http://us.imdb.com/name/nm0300879/
A mini-bio is found here: http://www.starwars.com/bio/tedgagliano.html
Mr. Gagliano is willing to sign items sent to him. There have been recent successes with this address, taking under two months.
Ted Gagliano
c/o Twentieth Century Fox
10201 West Pico Blvd.
Building 58, Room 211
Los Angeles, CA 90035
Should any celebrity wish their address not posted, please contact myself (darthskellington) or any site staff member and it will be removed immediately.