Dark Lord of the Typos

Mr. Kazanjian has made his career in movie production, and has produced three Lucasfilm movies. He has More American Graffiti, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and Return of the Jedi to his credit. He has also been involved in numerous other projects since then, perhaps the most recognizable being the TV series JAG.
You can check out Mr. Kazanjian's IMDB filmography here: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0443599/
Mr. Kazanjian has started signing this year and so far has been lightning fast in his responses. He seems happy to sign items sent to him, and sometimes includes his own photos or notes. In the US, people have received responses in two weeks or less! Of note....Mr. Kazanjian will not sign blank index cards or pages, as a means of preventing people from bootlegging his signature onto other items. That said, send him a card or photo or just about anything else to sign. This is another great new opportunity!
Howard Kazanjian
c/o Magic Lantern Productions
1613 Chelsea Road #329
San Marino, CA 91108
Should any celebrity wish their address not posted, please contact myself (darthskelington) or any site staff member and it will be removed immediately.