Dark Lord of the Typos

Mr. McGovern has quite a career in acting and voice-artistry. Early on he worked with George Lucas providing the voice of the Announcer in THX-1138, and later appeared in American Grafitti. Afterwards, he appeared in numerous telvision shows and movies, ranging from Mork and Mindy, The A-Team, and The Jeffersons, to movies like Nine Months and Mrs. Doubtfire. He also voiced various cartoon characters, including Transformer Wildrider, and Launchpad McQuack in Duck Tales and Darkwing Duck. More recently he has lent his talents to numerous video games, including seven Star Wars games.
Mr. McGovern is also one of the voice artists who recorded various dialogue for A New Hope. He is best known for voicing the Sandtrooper who questions Obi-Wan and Luke about the droids. Obi-Wan uses a force suggestion, and Mr. McGovern repeats it: "These aren't the droids we're looking for." Later, he also voiced another trooper who shouts "It's them..blast em"as the Millennium Falcon rockets out of Mos Eisley. Mr. McGovern also has the distinction of helping to giver Wookiees their name, after a friend of his, named Bill Wookey. This story is corroborated in an old Rolling Stone interview with George Lucas.

You can check out Mr. McGovern's filmography here: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0569598/
For more info on Mr. McGovern and insight on his Star Wars connection, visit his website: www.terrymcgovern.com
Mr. McGovern seems willing to sign items sent to him, and will often personalize and write movie quotes. Most people have received responses in a 1-2 month time frame. Be sure and include postage with your SASE.

Terry McGovern
PO Box 1090
Fairfax, CA 94978
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