Dark Lord of the Typos

Not much is known about Mr. Chapman, at least not online. His only IMDB credit is Star Wars, although he reportedly has been involved in other film work, either on television or the big screen. He also is a member of the Box Theatre Company, and performs on stage. When not acting, Mr. Chapman has run own interiors company. He began his own film production company in 2003 called Ghost Productions Ltd. In A New Hope, Mr. Chapman was one of the X-Wing Pilots to participate in the Battle of Yavin. He was known as Red 12, nicknamed Drifter. I’m not aware of any individual photos of him in character, so generic Rebel Briefing or X-Wings shots will have to suffice.
Through the mail, I received a photo showing him in a cut scene from the briefing. He appears seated two persons down diagonally from Luke. So, if you connect the dots, it's Luke ---> "Wedge" (the non-Denis Lawson Wedge who has black hair and a chili-bowl haircut) ---> John Chapman (blonde curly hair with sideburns).

You can check out Mr. Chapman’s IMDB filmography here: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0152413/
A brief bio is online at his company: www.ghostproductionsltd.com
A new site, offering photos (for charity) and Drifter fiction is now online: www.red12.org
Mr. Chapman seems happy to sign items sent to him, and sometimes sends his own photos and letters. Most people receive a response in less than a month. This is an excellent opportunity to get another scarce ANH pilot. Don’t forget to log your requests and results here, to help maintain the chain of information.

John Chapman
c/o The Elliott Agency,
94 Round Hill Crescent,
United Kingdom
Should any celebrity wish their address not posted, please contact myself (darthskelington) or any site staff member and it will be removed immediately.