Dark Lord of the Typos
Mr. Morton has a short career in acting, having appeared in a number of movies that have proven to be magnets for SW actors. His credits include: A Bridge To Far, Superman II, and Flash Gordon, as well as Cuba, The Shining, and The Last Days. More recently he is involved in writing and military service, and hosted a NATO conference in Brussels in 2000.
Mr. Morton is best known to us as Dak, Luke’s snowspeeder gunner in The Empire Strikes Back. Dak is seriously injured during the battle and Luke is unable to pull him from their downed speeder before a looming AT-AT seals his fate. Bet he doesn’t feel like he can take on the whole Empire now.
However, Mr. Morton is also one of the few to play Boba Fett. In the scene where Lando, Vader, and Fett are in the Cloud City prison level while Han is being tortured, it is actually Mr. Morton behind the armor, not Jeremy Bulloch. Mr. Bulloch was ill that day, and being the right size, Mr. Morton was called to save the day. Pictures featuring Vader, Calrissian and Fett are popular for signing, and Mr. Morton is happy to sign these, considering he is in the picture.
You can check out Mr. Morton’s IMDB filmography here:
Star Wars Insider Magazine #34 has an interview with Mr. Morton.
Mr. Morton gladly signs for his fans, although he sometimes gets overwhelmed with mail. As long as you include a SASE and postage, you should have no problem getting a response. Also, for $10 he will provide a nice color 8X10 of Dak. This covers his costs, and is the same as what he usually charges at conventions, where proceeds typically go to charity. Mr. Morton always tries to respond to fan mail, and typically includes an up to date form letter. However, his busy schedule can sometime delay responses for many months. I recommend sending out a request now, so the wait won’t seem so long.
John Morton
119 Huse Dr.
Annapolis, MD 21403-4113
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