Dark Lord of the Typos

Mr. Harris has a limited filmography to his credit, although I’m sure he has an extensive acting career. He has had small roles or stand-in parts several movies including: The Rocky Horror picture Show, Nightbreed, Hellraiser, Vampire Vixens From Venus, and appeared in no less than four Star Wars movies.

In A New Hope, Harris played one of Leia’s Rebel escorts. In Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi he was a stand-in for Anthony Daniels. In both movies he also played Bossk, the Trandoshan bounty hunter. He was also a Bespin Guard. Finally, in The Phantom Menace, Mr. Harris was a stand-in for Terrence Stamp, who played Chancellor Finis Valorum.
You can check out Mr. Harris’ IMDB filmography here:
Mr. Harris typically signs items sent to him, and will sometimes send his own 8X10 Bossk photos. People usually get a response in under a month, with responses rarely being delayed more than two months. This is an excellent opportunity to obtain his autograph, especially since he only makes occasional European appearances. US appearances are unlikely as he will not travel by plane.
Alan Harris
c/o Ray Knight Casting
21a Lambolle Place
London NW3 4PG
United Kingdom
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