Search results

  1. J

    Accessory Sets. What do you think of them?

    I wish I could just buy the figures seperate. Weren't those figures part of the POTJ line?
  2. J

    Wookiee Cookiee's Scrambler!

    If I should ever win a prize, do I have to put in my address in the e-mail when claiming the prize?
  3. J

    Relaxed jedi

    Why do they need make up? Jedi don't wear make up....I think.
  4. J

    New lott dod and tuskin/massiff carded pics!!

    Nice! Let's hope Rebelscum also put up figure numbers with that
  5. J

    The Best Line in EP II

    Any nominations for "This party's over" ?:saber:
  6. J

    Who's Who of the New Jedi Order

    The New Jedi Order books have timelines towards the front of the books, putting all the books in chronological order. It also has a quick star chart of most of the major systems.
  7. J

    Saga Figure Numbers

    Numbers 41 through 46 are as follows: 41 Padme Amidala - Coruscant Attack 42 Darth Maul - Sith Training 43 Anakin Skywalker - Tatooine Attack 44 Ki-Adi Mundi - Jedi Master 45 Ephant Mon - Jabba's Head of Security 46 Teemto Pagalies - Podracer If anyone could find the numbers for these...
  8. J

    Dark Horse/WOTC contest

    I entered too. If you get the Jorg figure, make him pay like 10 bucks for it.
  9. J

    The Best Line in EP II

    One of the better ones was "You seem to do an excessive amount of thinking for a mechanic"
  10. J

    Saga Figure Numbers

    I know somebody knows the numbers
  11. J

    Saga's Latest Trio. Wave 5. Detailed Pictures And Review

    Hasbro's four favorite words: action figure sold seperately. And also, they've picked up on the fact that people will pay more to get rare figures and go to greater lengths to get them. So they make less of figures like Yoda and Dooku. Hasbro is also clued in that quite a few collectors also are...
  12. J

    Saga's Latest Trio. Wave 5. Detailed Pictures And Review

    That pic of Chewie semi- bending over has short legs. So I think it's safe to say there are already some Chewie variations. Oh yeah, I have two dogs. The boy's name is Chewie. Everybody except for my mom (even including the puppies) likes Star Wars.
  13. J

    misc articles

    To quote a Family Guy regular: "helloooo lips, legs, breasts and ass" Side note: nice sig Borsk. I love that movie.
  14. J

    AOTC figure not yet made.

    I doubt we'll see any of those characters/vehicles in plastic of any shape, produced by any company. Nice list though.
  15. J

    Saga Figure Numbers

    The Saga series was originally 40 figures strong but has grown since then. The new figures are as follows: Anakin Skywalker - Tatooine Attack Darth Maul - Sith Training Destroyer Droid - Arena Battle Ephant Mon - Jabba's Head of Security Jango Fett - Slave I Pilot Ki-Adi Mundi - Jedi...
  16. J

    Robbie Wan Kenobi??

    He put out maybe one good song. Let's hope he can act better than he can sing.
  17. J

    Speeder bike chase on SE widescreen

    That's my favorite blooper. A good one that occurs both in the regular and special editions of A New Hope is when Luke returns from blowing up the Death Star, Leia yells "Luke!" and Luke's reply is "Carrie!"
  18. J

    How would you all like to get a V-Wing?

    The V-Wing is the stuff that is expanded universe. Kenner/Hasbro doesn't really like to make expanded universe stuff unless it's something that was made into a video game or short film.
  19. J

    Starwars Galaxies

    Galaxies may be the first and possibly the only game that I will pay to play online
  20. J

    Who plays Jedi Outcast?

    Jedi Outcast is quite possibly my favorite Star Wars game of all time. Brings back memories of Dark Forces on my old old computer. I have so many skins that it's near impossible to list all of them but highlights include Plo Koon, Mace Windu, Anakin Skywalker, and Obi-Wan Kenobi (old and young)...