When did Vader realize Luke was his son?


I have been watching the original trilogy with my friend Mr. Jedi Search.
THis question popped in my head when I saw TESB. I feel like between the New Hope and TESB, Vader must have known that Luke is indeed his son. I didn't see any interaction between them in New Hope. I was wondering when Vader started to realize that and wanted to turn him into the dark side. does this happen in the books?


Staff member
manivannanv said:
I didn't see any interaction between them in New Hope.

As far as ANH goes:

Vader sees Luke right after he kills Obi-Wan. He also tries to shoot down Luke's x-wing in the Death Star trench. At this time, I believe Vader says something like, "The force is strong in this one." Whether or not Vader knows that Luke is his son, rather than some random jedi, is up to your interpretation I suppose.


Sith Hamsters Handler
I think it was in Vader's Quest comic that he discover that the pilot that destroyed the first Death Star was his son Luke.


Funny! Maybe he did find out during christmas or when he got his cookie from the Double Dragon!

I forgot about the fact that Vader was indeed taking shots at x-wings in the New Hope. That could have been one way he figured out that someone else is using the force. I was just being curious because in TESB, they jump right into Vader searching for Luke.

IG-PPO, do you know what comic that is. maybe I can read that sometime.

Jedi Freezeman

I think in EP III, Obi-Wan will tell him about his son in an effort to "bring him back" from the dark side. (We'll see soon if I am correct on this hunch)

No matter when he finds out... I wouldn't hide the son of "the Chosen One" with Anakin's half-brother. You'd think if Vader really wanted to find him, he would have. Same name, living with a relative, not really the best protection program. Unless the Emperor "had forseen it" and kept Vader on a short leash.


Staff member
Right, but I think Tatooine is not a source of pleasant memories for Vader and therefore he doesn't have an urge to revisit it.


Thanks, JediSearch!

yeah, Tatooine is the last place that Vader wants to be.
Episode III will probably make it a bit more clear! One more day!