Watto's Lotto Week 13

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Staff member

This week's prize:
Anakin Skywalker (Outland Peasant Disguise), Padme Amidala (Arena Escape), Obi-Wan Kenobi (Coruscant Chase), C-3PO (Protocol Droid), Kit Fisto (Jedi Master), Super Battle Droid, Boba Fett (Kamino Escape), Tusken Raider Female With Tusken Child, Captain Typho, Shaak Ti (Jedi Master), Battle Droid (Arena Battle, Plo Koon (Arena Battle) & Jango fett (Kamino Escape)«
Let me see. Figure in the ratio, carry over the 1, divide by 7 and I get.....the same number that I've been going with all 50 weeks we've been doing this. #627 :p

Everybody have fun tonight. Everybody Wang Chung tonight! :D



Jedi Trainer
Week #1: 634
Week #2: 513
Week #3: 871
Week #4: 218
Week #5: 751
Week #6: 397
Week #7: 803
Week #8: 467
Week #9: 938
Week #10: 643
Week #11: 043
Week #12: 308
So this means the following numbers have picked the following amount of times:
0: 3x
1: 4x
2: 2x
3: 8x
4: 4x
5: 2x
6: 3x
7: 4x
8: 5x
9: 2x
Wich means that the following numbers have not been used much: 2 5 9

=> 259 <=


Sith Master
126 a new number this time after looking at Rancisis' data. 1 has not come up first, 2 (or 8) have not come up second and 3rd is pretty open with 0,2,5,6 or 9 coming up.

Man this is going to be some prize when someone finally hits!!
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