Various spoilers

Buzz Bumble

Furry Ewok
More (supposed) spoilers from via ...

What's cool is we see this temple hallway once with Obi-Wan and Anakin walking together early in the film - and another time later in the film littered with bodies of clones and Jedi as Yoda and Obi-Wan walk through.

Lock S-foils in attack formation" is a line from the script.

About halfway through the film we see the heroes really and truly revealed. That is, if you don't count the rest of the Jedi who gave of their lives up to this point. The heroes: Yoda, in his quest to rid the universe of Palpidious once and for all, and Obi-Wan in his veritable quest to turn Anakin back from the Dark Side. Both fail utterly.

(On Padme's death) The hovering droid comes out of the medical center to greet the two anxious Jedi. If he could give any expression from his teal eyes, it would be one of sadness. His multiple arms try to convey the message of despair to the two remaining Jedi in the galaxy. In the background, we see Padme lying face up on a floating, white, oval-shaped bed. She is dead, covered to her chest in a white sheet and wearing a light blue top. Blue aliens with large hands tend to her expressionless body and to the nearby medical computers - but nothing it seems can be done. Yoda sighs quietly as the droid begins to speak. "I'm sorry, we were unable to save her. We were, however, able to save ... the children."

Have I ever mentioned that Anakin cuts off Dooku's hands, then helpless and hunched over, Anakin scissors off his head with a red and a blue saber? Pretty cool stuff, didn't know if that has been posted yet or not. The camera does pull in close to Dooku, showing him with great fear in his eyes and a red and blue saber crossed just short of his neck.
Padme dies?? Hmmm ... I think I'll file this in the "believe it when I see it" category for now. :)

Buzz Bumble

Furry Ewok
Here's a few more random spoilers from the same dubious place as those above ...

Clouds of darkness filled the sky, and lightening bolts jolted the Coruscant cityscape. But it was a footnote compared to the lightening the Chancellor dispensed at his fingertips that same moment.

"Fool!" The lightning was reflected back to its source. The Chancellor reeled from the shock, snarling at his prey.

The old man was left crumpled to his knees. "I cannot, I turn myself over to you. I am too weak in the end," he said. "Too old, weak ... I give up. Don't kill me, Master Windu. I surrender."

Mace: "You can explain the difference after he's dead."

Yoda feels that he is responsible for the failure in the fall of the Jedi. He talks to the force, who talks back to him in the voice of ... Qui-Gon Jinn. It had been speaking to him these past thirteen years, answering his questions about life, and more importantly, eternal life. "Do not blame yourself, my old friend."

So one of the last remaining Jedi in the galaxy was in the middle of his first true lesson of the Force. In the corridor just ahead of him stood Bail Organa. His face told the whole story. "You're needed at the surgical facility," he said. "Obi-Wan asked for you to come. It's Padmé - she's dying."

plus some others (not all about Episode III) which are more realistic summarised from the official

Official Site Episode III Talk
The official site conducted yet another chat with Pablo Hidalgo who answered questions from fans about "Revenge of the Sith". OBIWAN-JR offered up a detailed summary of what was discussed in the Jedi Council Forums:
  • The next Episode III trailer will probably be March time.
  • This is the same time as the release poster.
  • R2D2 is holding a Jedi comlink in his "hand" in the teaser trailer.
  • The Wookiees will not be subtitled in ROTS. As in the OT what they say will be conveyed by the reactions of the characters around them.
  • Unlike Obi-Wan, Anakin will not start ROTS as part of the Council.
  • The photo of General Grievous on the recent databank update is a completed shot from the film, it is one of several final shots - the web resolution does not do it justice, though.
  • Whilst the General's 'look' has been sorted for some time now, his voice has still yet to be determined.
  • Tion Medon's voice in the current cut is provided by Bruce Spence, speaking basic.
  • Anakin's evil sith eyes in the teaser trailer are NOT just a special shot for the trailer. The shot IS from the film.
  • There were no shots which were created specifically for the trailer, although some shots were completed to a certain degree just for the trailer. ie some shots will probably look different in the final film.
  • There is a shot in the trailer of Alec Guiness that has never been seen before. It was not used in Episode IV. The close-up of Obi-Wan saying "... the Jedi Knights were the guardians of ..." was taken from the film archives. It is the daily of Sir Alec saying that dialogue in his closeup.
  • Pablo wanted to commend anyone who spotted it as he has not had anyone mention it to him.
  • There were at least two shots of the twins played by a crewmember's newborn baby, doubling as both Luke and Leia.
  • The reason why Darth Vader is not listed in the Episode III "by appearance" databank is because the databank is being added to bit by bit over the next few months.
  • There were at least two dozen teaser poster concepts. The one that was chosen was felt to have the broadest appeal.
  • The industrial "hidden headquarters" of Darth Sidious that is seen at the very end of Attack of the Clones does NOT feature in Episode III.
  • The Clone Wars timeline will be updated in the Expanded Universe section of the site before the new cartoon episodes in March.
  • The two Red Guards on the floor in the scene in which Yoda ignites his saber in the Trailer are NOT dead.
  • If there's a "Musical Trailer" for this episode (and it has not been decided yet if there will be one), it would probably be ready around April 2nd. It is up to Sony whether there will be one.
  • General Grevious' personal starfighter is NOT called The Invisible Hand. That's the name of his capital flag ship. His starfighter will likely not have a name.
  • George Lucas collects SW comics art.
  • A web doc about the trailers and the marketing dept is very unlikely.
  • YODA DOES NOT FART IN ROTS!!!! There is no place in the film's cut where it could possibly be true. Pablo says it makes you ponder about why someone would propogate such an antagonizing a rumor. He says it sounds like someone is messing with us.
  • The seperatist leaders are aware that Dooku's master is Darth Sidious. Dooku lied to Obi-Wan in AOTC.
  • The Invisible hand does not have a cloaking device.
  • Lucas did not use documentaries and other established films to set the pace and tone of the Opening Space Battle. Animatics replace the need for this nowadays.
  • The animation process been running VERY smoothly. They've completed more animation for this movie so far than there is in the entirety of Episode II, and there are eight or so minutes of completed animation cut from the film - more animation than made it into Jurassic Park.
  • Anakin does have a disturbing future vision in ROTS similar to Luke's cave test in TESB. But it is NOT of himself.
  • The webstrips will continue.
  • There's no shot in the current edit that shows the full ring of 12 chairs in the Jedi council. So we'll have to wait to see exactly who's in and out.
  • The Kashyyyk tree miniature that's been on the webcam is completely artificial. And it's actually huge too. Expect an article on it soon.
  • There are unlikely to be anymore casting announcements. Everyone who has signed a deal memo that warrants such an announcement has been listed. However Pablo says that he will throw a bone for the panicky types that need placating:
  • Not everyone will necessarily be announced or credited for their role in Episode III.
  • Rick McCallum will do one more webchat before film's release, schedule permitting.
  • No news about Indiana Jones 4.
  • Still no name for the Queen of Naboo in EP3.
  • Rhen Var is not in Episode III.
  • We can expect to hear more about and see images from the 3rd season of the Clone Wars cartoon VERY soon.
  • George Lucas is NOT "contractually obligated" to make the movie PG, due to marketing agreements. There's no truth to that.

Buzz Bumble

Furry Ewok
  • R2-D2's bickering relationship with C-3PO changes aboard Bail Organa's starship, after C-3PO's memory is wiped to ensure the safety of Padmé's baby twins.

    To keep the whereabouts of Obi-Wan and Yoda secret after they have gone into exile, Bail orders that C-3PO's memory be wiped.

    After his memory wipe, C-3PO believes that he first worked with binary load-lifter droids.

    A Beautiful Friendship
    For R2-D2 and C-3PO, what begins as a chance meeting on Tatooine will become a extended partnership, in service to Alderaanian starship captain, Raymus Antilles, and to Princess Leia Organa. Their daring exploits will become legendary, and take them across the galaxy. But only R2-D2 will have full access to their saddest memories.

    Artful Dodger
    As cunning as an intelligent operative, R2-D2 can blend in with his surroundings. Thus he is often overlooked when super battle droids search for enemies, or starship captains memory-wipe their droids. Many underestimate R2-D2's retention powers, which will one day amaze the galaxy.
  • Imperial Guard: With the creation of the Empire, the Red Guard becomes the Imperial Guard. Palpatine picked its members from non-clone military units.
  • Dooku's turn to the Dark Side began with the murder of Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, his former friend and confidant in the Order. Assuming control of the plans Sifo-Dyas had set in motion to create a clone army for the Republic, Dooku saw to it that all mention of the planet Kamino was erased from Jedi Archives.
  • Grievous can dislocate his shoulders and split his two arms into four. Neither Force-sensitive nor a Sith, the cyborg General was trained in lightsaber combat by Darth Tyranus and is more than a match for most Jedi.
  • Dubbed Darth Vader by Sidious, Anakin embarks on a murderous rampage through the halls of the Temple that has been his home for 13 years. He and hundreds of clone troopers kill Jedi swordmaster Cin Drallig, as well as teachers, teens and younglings.
  • When Yoda arrives at Palpatine's holding office beneath the Senate Rotunda, he is in no mood for interference. Before the Chancellor's Red Guards can so much as brandish their force pikes, Yoda flattens them with a Force push.
  • In his contest with Sidious, Yoda realizes he is overmatched and deserts the fight, perhaps because his spirit has been broken by so many Jedi deaths. However, he remains determined to achieve victory over the Dark Side.
  • On Mustafar, Anakin's love for Padmé and Obi-Wan mutates to hatred when he convinces himself that his wife and former Master have betrayed him. A Sith now, having accepted Darth Sidious as his Master and Darth Vader as his name, Anakin shows no remorse in Force-choking Padmé and engaging Obi-Wan in a duel to the death.
  • Obi-Wan, Padmé, R2-D2 and C-3PO rendezvous with Yoda and Bail Organa at the Polis Massa medical facility. The fact that the facility is remote suits the purposes of the Jedi, who are determined to keep secret the birth of Padmé's children. The medtechs who assist in delivering the twins are baffled by their inability to save her life. But sometimes a broken heart simply cannot be mended.
  • On Polis Massa, late Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn begins tutoring Yoda on how to survive death with one's consciousness intact. In time, Yoda tells Obi-Wan of this and that he too will soon begin training with Qui-Gon.
  • Escape pods loft Yoda to safety from Kashyyyk, and to sanctuary on Dagobah.
  • In his extended lifetime Yoda has visited countless worlds, some of which are so remote as to be unknown. One such world is the swamp planet Dagobah.
  • Clone commanders use names in addition to numerical designations. This practice was initiated by the Jedi themselves, as well as other progressive-thinking officials in the Republic, to foster a growing fellowship. Thus CC 2224 came to be called Cody, 1004 called Gree, and 1138 called Bacara. Others are called Odd Ball, Neyo and Bly.
  • Aging at twice the rate of normally birthed humans, only two-thirds of the original clone army are alive. Clones are also being grown on other worlds, with cells procured from new templates.
  • Anakin's frightening visions foretell Padmé's death during childbirth on a world remote from Coruscant.
  • Dark Lord of the Sith
    Awakened from his life-altering reconstruction on a gleaming table in Sifious's laboratory, Anakin learns that Padmé is dead - most likely by his own hand. His subsequent scream destroys most of the med droids. The realization that he has killed the person he loved most will haunt him for the rest of his life.


Buzz Bumble

Furry Ewok
The third-to-last point above indicates that the original trilogies Stormtroopers are not all clones of Jango Fett (they may or may not be clones at all), but here's a little more to add:

Squad Seven [ARC-170 Starfighter squardon] are clones of Jango Fett, the bounty hunter who was the genetic model for the first clone troops. However, an increasing number of units are formed from rigorously selected volunteers. Over the coming years, the most accomplished volunteer aces will be honored as stock for new clone lineages, and distinguished with all-black dress uniforms.
Not all "clone" pilots are actually clones it seems. :)