Things that tick off AmShak


Senior Moderator
Staff member

The banner on the left is one that I created for this TBS. The banner on the right looks amazingly similiar, but I had nothing to do with creating a banner for this site ... what and odd thing to have happen. :rolleyes:

This is certainly not the first thing to get ripped off from TBS but it's the latest (that i have noticed). Did anyone from that site ask me for help or permission or anything close to that? ....nope. do they even offer a link to us? ..... nope.


Jedi Trainer
Damn school computer, I can only see the first frame of the gif :'(
@Amshak, when making banners, you might want to put the site name in the first frame.
'Cause I'm not able to see antything but a black screen with a green border...


Jedi Trainer
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Here's some info from
I'll bet yu can make them take that banner offlie in no time.
And while your at it, make them appologize on their website (you can do that, you know ;-) )
"Free" web graphics and linking images. Graphic images provided by "free" or "linkware" graphics sites are not public domain. These images, although provided to you for "free" (no $), are not being given to you in ownership. You are being allowed to use them if you comply with the owner's terms and conditions, so make sure that you comply with them in full when you use or display the graphics in question. If the owner says "don't alter it", don't alter it. If the owner says, "only use for your personal homepage," only use it for your personal homepage. The same applies to linking images or logos. They are still copyrighted by the owner and are usually only to be used for links to the owner's web site. Again, in these cases the © symbol at the bottom of your web site only pertains to the content that you yourself created, not to the logos provided to you for links or the "free" graphics loaned to you to decorate your web pages.


Interstellar Buccaneer
that is truly a shame, now I feel bas about borrowing the dancing ewok, where did that come from anyway?


Senior Moderator
Staff member
I think using that ewok for and avatar is a little different. I don't think anyone is usuing that ewok to promote their and it's not being used here to promote anything but CC's personality. I don't see where there is any damage by using the ewok.

For the banner in question, those are images from the movie, so they actually belong to lucas and if this other site wanted to use the same sequence from the movie, then there's not much i or anyone but lucas could do to stop them. In this instance, they did not go get the images from the movie, they just came and grabbed that banner and made it there own w/o doing any real work. Now they are basically using the same banner that TBS uses to promote the site to promote their own. What actually brought me to notice them, is that that banner is displayed on's news page.

If you'll notice, that site claims to be for a charrity, i forget now what they raise money for, but i find it odd that they would have to ask for money when they are obviously good at just going and taking what they want.


Staff member
Yup, that definitely dilutes the effectiveness of our banners when another site copies the exact same thing. It’d be nice if people were more…original.

Not a way to make friends...

Darth Boru

Celtic Sith
Blatant rip off. Annoying, definitely, but the 'bad kharma' fairy will surely visit them before too long.

Nothing much on their site anyway, not a patch on good ol' TBS :D


Interstellar Buccaneer
yah but I usually adjust pictures so they are no longer recognizable as the original. And then I add original animations. There is no way I could take credit for the Ewok dance, I don't have the stomach to stick something like that together... but since it isn't really being used promotionally it isn't that big of a deal, but it is definately the av that I can take the least credit for...


Staff member
Thanks. It would've been nice to have it be a happier post...



Ewok Cheif

I wouldnt mind seeing that taken off the other site.

I might actually be able to find something to take care of this..........give me a little bit of time to work out the furry math problems in my peanut sized ewok brain please:stupid1:
Tell me and CC where to go. We'll head down and bust some skulls.:flame:

Are you guys going to make a new one now? I won't even go over and look at their site.


Staff member
Excuse me while I borrow a quote from Office Space (spoken by Michael Bolton):

"No way! Why should I change? He's the one who sucks."

*cough* Totally unrelated, of course...

Dark Jedi

Why doesn't someone quit talkin about it and DO something? Like nuke the site or something....or drop a contageous virus on it so all the users get pwned? Rip-offs just piss me off so damn's sad those people who have to rip off superior websites...those damned Lamers...


Staff member
1) I'm about 2 weeks away from a major upgrade to the board, so any problems you're having editing your posts will probably be resolved w/ the change. Also, you should be able to delete your own posts when you edit them (as long as they are not the first post in a thread).

2) The issue with the banner has been more or less resolved. The person that I contacted at the other site was decent and had a reasonable excuse for the problem. Maybe I should have posted something in this thread to explain what happened. But, it seemed just as well to let it die. If you want more details, I can give them to you, but it's actually not a very interesting story and the end result is that they aren't using that banner any longer.