Star Wars Geeks


New Recruit
Ever heard this expression before...or Star Trek Geek or anything else? Me too...people on TV are always saying how some fans are geeks because they stand in line for hours or days to see a movie, spend money on "useless" toys or dress up like characters. The whole point in life is to do things you enjoy doing...everyone has to have something they enjoy and get excited about, whether its Star Wars or ANYTHING else, and if you dont....I feel sorry for you. That is why sites like these are great for people who enjoy the same thing can talk about it and others actually understand how they feel. Some of the best people I have ever met are "geeks" in one way or the other...and as far as I am concerned I am happy to be called one too...hell I call myself one too!!


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Hey! who you callin' a Geek?

You mean like creating a website to see if people will come to it?


New Recruit
Amshak you geek!!!.....j/ like I said before I am glad that people have created site like this for us "geeks"


New Recruit
I have seen that show a few times and I always wondered if they had a Star Wars geek....but I never got the chance to see him.



Star Wars geeks? Why not sports geeks? Or stock exchange geeks? What makes you a geek? Is it because you are passionate about something that some people aren't? You want to learn everything you can about something that some other people find to be trivial and not worth their time?

Lots of people find it hard to put themselves in someone else's shoes. When someone publically shows interest in something that others have no interest in, they often label those people as geeks. Let's use the standing in line example above. I guess non-SW fans label us geeks because in the grand scheme of things, missing work to be the first in line to see a movie is silly, and does not conform to society's standards. Many of these people probably skipped work to watch the Super Bowl or the World Series. Isn't that just as bad? Why aren't they classified as geeks also?

It all has to do with perception, and because those of us that are that passionate about Star Wars are in the minority, society feels the need to label us. I am happy to be a Star Wars 'geek'. Considering how important and influential it was to me as a child, I wouldn't want it any other way.



Senior Moderator
Staff member
So would George Lucas be the biggest "geek" of all?

Or maybe King of the Geeks?


New Recruit
Beat the Geeks does have a star wars geek. If I could find a way on the show I know I could beat her.


New Recruit
And the Star Wars geek was a she? wow that is offense meant to anyone...just thought it would be a guy...I almost have to bet that men are the majority of fans. But from what it sounds like she wasnt very good?


Space Cowboy
Here is how she came to be one Beat The Geeks. It was a new show and someone important to do with the show need "geeks." So they basically used friends that they knew of to be these geeks.

Really she isn't TOO bad. However, she did say in one episode that she couldn't recall Chewbacca ever using his Bowcaster. Most of the contestants usually beat her though. Not because she misses her questions. It's that the contestant gets an easy geek-off question and can name X amount of SW characters in 15 seconds. As where she has to name actors who played Ewoks in ROTJ.


New Recruit
yeah that is a tough question...I always have trouble on the actors names...I could care less about the actors...I like the characters.


New Recruit
It's not so much her knowledge that irks me, it's her attitude. Same with the trek geek. But the Simpsons geek is by far the worst.


New Recruit
I did get to see the Simpsons geek and he was pretty cocky. And I dont know what there is to be cocky about b/c you know Simpsons Trivia.


Under the Armor
All my friends know I love starwars but the only one brave enough to call me a geek is myself :cool:


Everyone who knows me (friends and otherwise) knows I am a Star Wars nut, so let me stand up at the front of the room and proudly proclaim:

"Hello my name is Brian and I am a Star Wars Geek!"
