Review of Star Wars Galaxies


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Having been in the Beta for almost two months now I've seen my fair share of Star Wars Galaxies : An Empire Divided and can safely say the 'glow' of the total immersion in a Star wars universe still hasn't worn off. To walk on Tatooine, to tame a Bantha, heck, to run around killing critters and Stormtroopers with my blaster pistol, these were all dreams I had as a child after I saw Episode IV for the first time. Dreams which recently have been more then just brought alive by what I can safely say is the best MMORPG to date.
From the start you get the impression that the developers have spent more time than most on the details. The avatar creation process alone is more tweakable than any other MMORPG out there with sliders that adjust height, weight, muscle, brow, eye size, eye space, nose protrusion, etc. you get the idea, maybe the fanboiz will cry "waaa that's not very Star Warsy" at the sight of a fat wookiee but the rest of us will be rolling on the floor laughing at them dancing in the cantina, the movement capture for all races is superb, hairy blobs have never seemed so hilariously gracefull.
All in all I'll sum up by saying that I'm definitely joining on its release. There will be bugs, but there is also one of the most dedicated and responsive teams of developers I have ever had the pleasure of dealing with, developers that actually tell you what is going on and what they're planning to do, developers that listen to the feedback from the forums and developers that FIX BUGS. Many other MMORPG dev teams could do with being half as good as the guys at Lucasarts/SOE - AO do you hear your deathnell??? Shadowlands cannot save you............
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