News at The Hairy Fairy

Darth Aussie

Australian Sith Lord

Dear fellow collectors,«

Lots of new products are on the way so check the site for details. Remember our competition this month gives you the chance to win
yourself a Clone wars pack of 6 figures. It's real easy so drop into the site and enter now. «

We have added a great deal for those interested in the upcoming "Hall of fame" 12 pack of figures. You can grab a sealed case of 12
figures for just 100 Euro. This item is released in February so if you want yours then head over to the website and place your order now!!«

We have added new products to the site plus restocked some of the older ones again. Due for release in the coming weeks is the new
unleashed figures, animated clone wars figures and the Jabba's Palace wave of basic figures. Keep an eye on the site for more details.«

Thanks to all those that made our annual sale such a success. Took a bit longer to get restocked and the website up again but all is
back to normal again. Thanks for your patience.«

That's it for now, thanks«

The Hairy Fairy