I'm off to see Revenge of the Sith


a.k.a. Darth Kraam
Well I got to go and see it again, for the second time.The third will be on Tuesday when it's half price.Much better to see it when you not wanting to go to sleep.

And it was nice to see Palpatine's transfermation into the Emperor...well played by Ian.

Can't wait for the DVD to see all the extra bits.......

Yoda Man

New Recruit
I just saw it for a second times and realized Shaak Ti wasn't in it and Luminara was only in it for a split second. For having figures of them, it seemed kinda pointless

Darth Boru

Celtic Sith
Darth Aussie said:
Do you think it could have been a little longer? like it was rushed in parts of the film? More battle scene time would have been good.....

It did seem a little rushed towards the end - cramming in stuff to 'tie up loose ends'. The DVD will hopefully have an extended version, fingers crossed for at least an hour of additional footage!


Yoda Man said:
I just saw it for a second times and realized Shaak Ti wasn't in it and Luminara was only in it for a split second. For having figures of them, it seemed kinda pointless

According to the novelization, Shaak Ti encountered Anakin as he left the Jedi Temple to 'save' Palpatine, and upon his return, he killed her.

One of several confusing cut scenes.


Darth Aussie

Australian Sith Lord
Same as the senators discussing the forming of a "alliance" to overthrow (petition) the Chancellor...the scene with Phantom Quigon would have been good also before Yoda explains more training for Obiwan at the end.....


a.k.a. Darth Kraam
That's 4 times now....
Also,a guy at work found it on the net & down loaded it,not a very good version but hey,it's a good way to see those easter eggs.
I still think nothing beats the big screen.
Many more Tuesdays to come.