Fett of the Dead?


After reading a report of this on RS, I just had to check this out.

It is true.

In the new Dawn of the Dead DVD, if you go to the extra features, and watch the 'Special Bulletin' CNN-style coverage, at about 9 minutes in, you'll see a zombie strapped to a gurney in a morgue. On the zombie's shoulder, you can clearly see the emblem of none other than Boba Fett.

Perfect timing of this discovery, being Halloween after all.

One more reason for me to consider this by far the most entertaining movie of the year, and easily the best horror movie of the last decade.



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Staff member
if you watch the special feature, Anantomy of an Exploding Head, they refer to one of the actors as Boba Fett. I'll have to watch it again for more specififcs, but it happens pretty early in that bit.


Staff member
I was unimpressed with the 2 special features I watched (the news bulletin & Andy's video). The acting left something to be desired.

The movie still kicks ass though.