Ewan McGregor on ''Star Wars''


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When June rolls around and you start shooting ''Episode III,'' is there anything you specifically hope to accomplish?
Yeah, actually, it'd be nice to come to terms with the blue screen work, because I find it terribly difficult. You can guarantee there'll be an awful lot of it in the new one, and I've got to find some way to make it easier. It's not that I'm bad at it -- in fact, I'd like to think I'm rather good at it. It's a skill I've learned, but it doesn't give back the satisfaction that you get working with another actor. I have to find some way around that for this one, because I want to have a good time. I do love being in the ''Star Wars'' films, though they're difficult to make.
Are you looking forward to working with Chewbacca?
Yeah, somebody told me that the other day. I only find out ''Star Wars'' stuff from people on the street, usually. I found out the title of ''Episode II'' on a rope line. Someone said, ''What do you think of 'Attack of the Clones'''? And I said, ''What is it?'' And they said, ''It's the title of the new 'Star Wars' film.'' And I said, ''It's f---ing terrible!'' They obviously ran out of f---ing fax paper [at Lucasfilm].
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