Collectible of the Day 220 - Lego Planets


Dark Lord of the Typos

Today we're looking at the Lego Planets, introduced in 2012. Kenner/Hasbro collectors may remember a similar product from the 1990s. What Lego has here is are small planets, somewhere between baseball and softball sized. Inside are parts to build a figure, vehicle, and a base to hold them. Also included is a small ring piece to set the planet on, and an eye-hook piece, allowing you to string them up and hang them from the ceiling. (A friend also pointed out that they make great Christmas ornaments).

Two series of planets have been released thus far, with two more on the way. I'm not much of a Lego collector...too expensive for my tastes...but the affordable price point and space battle diorama potential have piqued my interest in this line. It also doesn't hurt that series one is on clearance at Target right now.

Series 1 consists of:
Death Star - with TIE Interceptor and TIE Pilot
Naboo - with Naboo Starfighter and Naboo Pilot
Tatooine - with Selbulba's Podracer and Sebulba

Series 2:
Bespin - with Twin-Pod Cloud Car and Lobot
Forest Moon of Endor - with AT-ST and AT-ST Pilot
Yavin IV - with X-Wing Fighter and X-Wing Pilot

Series 3:
Asteroid Field - with TIE Bomber and TIE Pilot
Coruscant - with Republic Assault Ship and Clone Trooper
Kamino - with Jedi Starfighter and R4-P13

Series 4:
Alderaan - with Tantive IV and Rebel Trooper
Endor - with B-Wing Fighter and B-Wing Pilot
Hoth - with Snowspeeder and Snowspeeder Pilot

The Asteroid Field planet is actually painted like a starfield with asteroids on it.


Buzz Bumble

Furry Ewok
Series 1 and Series 2 of these were on sale down here in New Zealand just before Christmas. I don't know what the current prices are though - I avoid the shops during the extremely "silly season" of Christmas, Boxing Day and New Year's sales.

I find the Lego too expensive as well, and I don't really like all the little studs showing, but I do have a Lego Anakin Skywalker Pod Racer and two Lego pens (R2-D2 and Yoda) a couple of people gave me, and a Lego Mini TIE Fighter that came as a free "exclusive" on a magazine, the Lego Star Wars Character Encyclopedia and Visual Dictionary book, a couple of Lego Star Wars sticker books, and the Lego Star Wars computer games (although can't play them on this old computer).

We did have a huge amount of normal Lego sets when we were children (mostly sent by by grandmother from England) and I used to build my own Millennium Falcon-like spaceships ... until the biggest main baseboard was broken. :( The only set I have left from those days is a police motorcycle (like the ones in the old CHiPs TV show).


Dark Lord of the Typos
Yeah, I had a couple lego sets as a kid...and a lot of second hand lego parts from garage sales....loved the space sets...and the Pirates although I never had any of those. Back then there weren't enough specialty pieces to make anything that really looked like Star Wars. And by the time the actual Star Wars sets came out, I was more interested in realistic looking the action figure vehicles.....hated all the visible studs. I appreciate them for what they are now...but still not a huge interest for me. I'd love some of the $200-300 sets...but that will never happen.