carded potf2 and e1 slashing prices


New Recruit
Carded $2.5 Loose $1.5 Fodder $0.75

Unless posted otherwise, all Carded $2.50, All Loose $1.50, All Fodder $0.75

Here's my carded haves:
OC Stormtrooper Mint OO
OC Stormtrooper Mint OO
OC Stormtrooper Mint OO
OC Stormtrooper Mint OO
OC Stormtrooper Mint OO
*EXCLSV Cantina Band Member $5 [pend]
FF Orimarrko mint OO [pend]
FF 8D8 mint OO [pend]
FF 8D8 mint OO [pend]
E1 Darth Maul Sith Lord near mint OOOO
GC Emporer Palpatine mint O1
FF Gamorrean Guard near mint O1 [pend]
FF Han Solo Carbonite mint O5
FF Han Solo Carbonite mint O5 [pend]
FF Han Solo Bespin mint O2
FF Han Solo Bespin mint O3
GC Han Solo Bespin mint OO
FF Lando Calrissian Skiff mint O1 [pend]
FF Lobot mint OO [pend]
FF Luke Skywalker Bespin mint O1
FF Luke Skywalker Ceremonial mint O1
GC Luke Skywalker Stormtrooper mint O1 [pend]
FF Mon Mothma mint OO [pend]
FF Princess Leia New Lieness mint OO [pend]
FF Princess Leia New Lieness mint OO [pend]
FF Princess Leia Jabba's Slave mint O2
FF Princess Leia Jabba's Slave mint O2
OC Princess Leia mint OO
GC Stormtrooper mint O1
E1 Darth Maul Jedi Duel mint OOOO
GC Emporer Palpatine near mint O1
GC Emporer Palpatine near mint O1
GC EV-9D9 near mint OO
FF Han Solo near mint O2 [pend]
FF Han Solo near mint O2
FF Han Solo near mint O2
FF Han Solo Carbonite near mint O2 [pend]
FF Han Solo Carbonite near mint O2 [pend]
GC Han Solo Bespin near mint OO
OC Han Solo Carbonite near mint OO
E1 Jar-Jar Binks mint O2OO [pend]
FF Lando Calrissian Skiff near mint O2 [pend]
FF Lando Calrissian Skiff near mint O2
FF Luke Skywalker Bespin near mint O1
FF Luke Skywalker Bespin near mint O1
FF Luke Skywalker Ceremonial near mint O1
FF Luke Skywalker Ceremonial near mint O1
FF Luke Skywalker Ceremonial near mint O1
GC Luke Skywalker Stormtrooper near mint O1
GC Luke Skywalker Stormtrooper near mint O1
GC Malakili near mint OO [pend]
GC Malakili near mint OO
GC Ponda Baba near mint O1
FF Princess Leia New Lieness near mint OO [pend]
FF Princess Leia Jabba's Slave near mint O2
GC Princess Leia Jabba's Slave near mint OO
GC Princess Leia near mint O1
GC Princess Leia near mint O1
GC Princess Leia near mint O1
GC Rebel Fleet Trooper near mint O1 [pend]
GC Tusken Raider near mint O1
E1 Watto mint O1OO
E1 Watto mint O1OO
GC Weequay near mint O1
GC Weequay near mint O1
FF Lando General Mint OO
FF Lando General Mint O1
FF Leia Celebration Mint OO
FF Leia Celebration Mint O1
FF Han Endor Mint O1
FF Han Endor Near Mint O2
FF Obi-Wan Mint O3
FF Obi-Wan Mint O4

Loose and Complete for $1.50 unless noted:
OC Han Solo Carbonite Comp
OC Han Solo Carbonite Comp
GC Han Solo Endor Comp
GC Han Solo Endor Comp
CS Anakin Skywalker Comp from Mos Espa Encounter
CS C-3PO Comp from Purchase of the Droids
OC C-3PO Comp
PC Chewbacca Snoova Comp everything but gun
OC Chewbacca Comp
OC Chewbacca Comp
E1 Darth Maul Jedi Duel Comp
E1 Darth Maul Jedi Duel Comp
E1 Darth Maul Tatooine Comp
E1 Darth Maul Tatooine Comp
E1 Darth Maul Tatooine Comp
E1 Darth Maul Tatooine Comp
OC Darth Vader Comp
OC Darth Vader Comp
OC Darth Vader Comp
GC Emporere Palpatine Comp
GC Emporere Palpatine Comp
GC Emporere Palpatine Comp
OC Greedo Comp
GC Han Solo Bespin Comp Princess Leia Collection
OC Han Solo Comp
CS Jar-Jar Binks Comp from Mos Espa Encounter
E1 Jar-Jar Binks Comp w/ Gungan Assult Cannon $2
E1 Jar-Jar Binks Comp w/ Gungan Assult Cannon $2
E1 Jar-Jar Binks Compw/ Gungan Assult Cannon $2
OC Lando Calrissian Comp
OC Lando Calrissian Comp
GC Luke Skywalker Endor Comp w/ speederbike wreckage
OC Momaw Nadon Comp
E1 Obi-Wan Kenobi Deluxe Comp
E1 Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Knight Comp
E1 Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Knight Comp
E1 Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Knight Comp
E1 Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Knight Comp
E1 Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Knight Comp
E1 Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Knight Comp
E1 Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Knight Comp
E1 Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Knight Comp
E1 Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Knight Comp
E1 Obi-Wan Kenobi Naboo Comp
E1 Obi-Wan Kenobi Naboo Comp
CS Obi-Wan Kenobi Comp from Cantina Showdown
OC Obi-Wan Kenobi Comp
OC Obi-Wan Kenobi Comp
OC Obi-Wan Kenobi Comp
OC Obi-Wan Kenobi Comp
OC Obi-Wan Kenobi Comp
CS Pando Baba Comp from Cantina Showdown
GC Pando Baba Comp
PC Princess Leia Boushh Comp [pend]
FF Princess Leia Ewok Celebration Comp
FF Princess Leia Ewok Celebration Comp
OC Princess Leia Jabba's Slave Comp
OC Princess Leia Jabba's Slave Comp
OC Princess Leia Comp
E1 Qui-Gon Jinn Naboo Comp
E1 Qui-Gon Jinn Naboo Comp
E1 Qui-Gon Jinn Naboo Comp
E1 Qui-Gon Jinn Naboo Comp
OC R2-D2 Comp
OC R2-D2 Comp
OC Han Solo Comp
OC Han Solo Comp
OC Han Solo Hoth Comp
GC STAP Preview Comp [pend]
GC Luke Skywalker Ceremonial Comp
EU Speeder Pilot Green Comp from EU Speeder Bike

Incomplete Custom Fodder ALL $0.75
E1 Boss Nass
E1 Darth Maul Deluxe
E1 Darth Maul Deluxe
E1 Darth Maul Jedi Duel
E1 Darth Maul Jedi Duel
E1 Darth Maul Tatooine
E1 Gasgano
E1 Jar-Jar Binks from Gungan Assult Cannon
E1 Jar-Jar Binks from Gungan Assult Cannon
E1 Jar-Jar Binks from Gungan Assult Cannon
E1 Jar-Jar Binks from Gungan Assult Cannon
E1 Kaadu no Jar-Jar
E1 Obi-Wan Kenobi Naboo
E1 Qui-Gon Jinn Deluxe
E1 Qui-Gon Jinn Jedi Duel
FB Luke Skywalker
GC Emporere Palpatine F/X
GC Emporere Palpatine F/X
GC Emporere Palpatine F/X
GC Emporere Palpatine
GC Garindan
GC Han Solo Endor
GC Pando Baba
GC Royal Guard
OC Darth Vader
OC Darth Vader
OC Darth Vader
OC Darth Vader
OC Darth Vader
OC Han Solo
OC Han Solo
OC Luke Skywalker Deluxe
OC Luke Skywalker Deluxe
OC Luke Skywalker
OC Luke Skywalker
OC Luke Skywalker
OC Momaw Nadon
OC Obi-Wan Kenobi
OC Obi-Wan Kenobi
OC Princess Leia
OC Princess Leia
OC Princess Leia
OC Yoda
PC Prince Xizor
PC Prince Xizor
PC Princess Leia Boushh