Brand New Contest at Special Realm.


Am I lovable? Hope so.
This for all you computer wizards;

I am looking for a winner in my new contest to create a banner for my site, JediDaxter's Special Realm.
It may contain anything, as long as it is with Star Wars. It can have images from video games, action figures, trading cards, hand drawn images, it's up to you! It must say Special Realm in the banner. Besides that, it's your creation.
Right now I have a rather getting old computer system and I am not able to do great graphics to create my banner. That is why I am looking for you!

I will be choosing a first and second prize winner. The following prizes will be given are:

1rst Place Winner receives a Fan Club Exclusive Stormtrooper 4pk Troop Builder Set.

2nd Place Winner receives 4 carded Canadian Tri-Logo POTJ Bespin Guard Custom Troop Builder Set.

Both from our contest sponsor.
This contest begins April 25th, and will end May 28th. So, get your ideas flowin and create me a banner. I will allow up to four banners per person.
With each banner sent in, you must include your name, address, and e-mail. Winner will be notified by e-mail and prize(s) will be shipped out shortly. Please send the banner(s) in JPEG, GIF, or TIF format through Special Realm, or directly through the following e-mail:

Subject must say: Banner Entry

or I will not accept the entry. And remember, up to four banners per person.

Thank you,

And May The Fore Be With You!