Befuddled You Are-Newsweek


Ewok Cheif
Has anybody seen the recent newsweek article called Befuddled you are??? It is an article with Yoda by it that is about Ep II. I was wondering if anybody has seen this article and if it is accurate info. It makes a lot of sense but I just can't seem to grasp the fact that Darth Sidious is Palpatine. Please let me know.


Staff member
George Lucas himself says Palpy is Sidious on the TPM DVD. It is either in the commentary, or one of the behind the scenes things, I don't remember, but he said it. I don't see how it is so hard to understand, I always thought they were the same...I mean emperor palpatine, it says on the fig, and it looks just like the darth sidous fig, so why wouldn't they be the same person?
