Announcing Jango Blaster Replicas


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Jango Fett's elegant yet lethal pair of WESTAR-34 blasters has been faithfully reproduced by the artisans at Master Replicas, displayed in a classic pistola style that evokes the romance of the gunslinger mythos. Custom-designed for deadly precision and agility, Jango favored the WESTAR-34's for their ability to sustain rapid firing without overheating, a favorable edge to carry into a desperate situation.
Included in this set is an exclusive closed trigger stunt version, which Jango spun on his finger with classic western flourish in Attack of the Clones. Fashioned from machined aluminum, weighted resin, and die-cast metal parts, each blaster sports a hand polished barrel and measures about 13.57" length x 5.5" height x 1.5" width. The custom crafted display case includes a numbered metal plaque, plaque holder, and certificate of authenticity. With an edition size of only 1500 worldwide, fans of the galaxy's most gifted gunfighter may have to be quick on the draw to bring in this deadly duo.