Almost Any Set but 'Star Wars'


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DVD sets, and news about them, have been the focus this week and last. Paramount announced that on Nov. 4 "Raiders of the Lost Ark," "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" and "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" will be released for the first time on DVD. The trilogy will make a four-disc set, with George Lucas, an executive producer of the films, Steven Spielberg, their director, and Harrison Ford, their star, adding comments to the extra features on the fourth disc.
Renowned as a filmmaker, Mr. Lucas is downright famous among DVD aficionados for the long time it has taken to prepare and issue the Indiana Jones series. There is still the matter of Lucasfilms's original "Star Wars" trilogy, which remains the No. 1 series unavailable on DVD. Nothing has been announced, but distributors say the three films — "Star Wars," "The Empire Strikes Back" and "Return of the Jedi" — might be shuffled in with Mr. Lucas's three newer "Star Wars" movies and released as part of his planned six-film series.
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