Announces MyWantsList Wireless!


New Recruit

« Announces MyWantsList Wireless!
Your AllTroops Collection Tool doesn't do you much good if you're on the road, or at the local store checking out the pegs. But that's now changed with the introduction of the AllTroops MyWantsList Wireless (a.k.a. "Convention Companion") utility. This new mini-version of your own configured wants list is compatible with wireless web interfaces, PDA's, and even text-only cellphones! This means you won't have to take printed copies with you or strain your brain trying to remember what you really need in your collection when you are out-and-about scouring the aisles or visiting the local toy show!
And because you'll want others to be able to see what you need, the MyWantsList wireless is completely open to letting your collecting friends or family check what you need simply by entering your username into the tool. This makes it simpler for someone to pick up what you are looking for while they are there, and your wants are available.
The MyWantsList wireless can also be used from the site for those that don't have wireless web capability and want to print a less complex version of their full wants list. So everybody benefits! Log in to your Collection Control panel, select "Wireless" from your Wants List and you are ready to go. Now you can do MORE with your collection at even away from home!